
147 13 1

- this chapter contains sexual content, read at your own risk -

    The next morning, Loki woke up to an empty house. He went downstairs in search of food, and found a note next to a plate of pancakes.

Loki, Zawe was needed at the studio, and I'm on my morning run. I will be back shortly. Breakfast is next to this note. 

- Tom

Loki smiled down at the food. After his confusing interaction with Thomas the night before, something had changed between them. It wasn't a bad one either. He found himself craving the mortal's lips on his neck once more. He wanted to feel his warm hands all over his body. 

He shuddered pleasantly at the thought of the mortal's hands on his skin. 

After devouring his breakfast, he decided that a shower would distract him from his sexual fantasies. He passed by the mirror, and decided to take a glance. 

His cheeks flushed darkly at the sight before him. A small bruise was on his neck from were Thomas had nibbled the flesh. Loki's cock twitched to life as his mind wandered, and he sighed, knowing he'd have to deal with his problem before facing the couple.

The warm water of the shower relaxed him. It gave him a moment to really think things over. 

Last night, Tom had tried to kiss him. Loki had never thought of his beloved mortal in this way before. His warm hand had caressed his thigh, his mouth had been on his neck-- he could go on for ages just describing how good it felt. 

He looked down to find his cock standing proudly, precum oozing from the tip. A shaky breath escaped his lips as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and slowly began to pump it. Loki's mind wandered back to his fantasies of Tom.

He thought of Tom's hands replacing his own, stroking his shaft until he couldn't take it anymore. A moan left his mouth as his fantasy grew darker. Loki thought of Tom's hard cock slamming into him repeatedly, one of his hands wrapped around the immortal's neck. 

His hips jerked involuntarily as he daydreamed of Tom fucking him senselessly. He knew he shouldn't be thinking these things about him, but it felt so right. 

The tip of his thumb rubbed over his tip and he imagined it to be Tom, and that sent him reeling over the edge. Loud moans and mutters of his mortal counterpart's name spilled from his mouth freely. Tom wouldn't be home for a while longer, so he was free to make whatever noises he wanted.

After showering and cleaning himself up, he went downstairs to see Thomas had just now arrived. He was bent over, sliding his shoes into the shelf and petting Bobby's head.

Loki's gaze fell on the round backside of the mortal. Oh how he desperately wanted to touch him. He refrained from doing so reluctantly, and busied himself at the kitchen counter for his turn with the dishes.

Normally he would use his magic and be done with it, but he wanted to be around Thomas as much as possible. Tom stood, seeing the god humming to himself while washing a plate. He smirked to himself and walked up behind Loki. 

His humming stopped abruptly, feeling two warm hands grasp his hips and lips ghosting across the skin of his neck. 

"Thomas?" Loki squeaked, holding back a moan as Tom's teeth sank into his sweet spot. Tom's hips pushed against his backside, pressing him firmly against the counter. "Yes?" He purred, nibbling at the god's earlobe. 

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