Better Than Ever Before

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(the photo above is what their private beach looks like)


   "Can I not just be naked?" 

Tom sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "No Loki. We still risk paparazzi and our neighbors."

Loki huffed and reluctantly put on the black swim trunks Thomas had handed him. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around the god's waist, tucking his chin on his shoulder. "See? You look amazing love." He praised, rubbing his sides and pecking his cheek. Loki smiled softly and placed his hands over top of Tom's. "Alright fine."

Tom grinned and laced their fingers together, enjoying the embrace for a minute or two before leading him downstairs to the patio. Loki chuckled to himself as he watched Tom run down to the water.

"Come on Loki! The water feels great!"

The god rolled his eyes playfully and trudged down to the water, yelping when Tom picked him up and spun him around. They laughed happily together and Loki nuzzled his face into Tom's neck as he set him down.

Tom kissed the top of his head and smiled, hugging his husband close.

"You know, Emilia, Gabe and them are throwing a party for us when we get back." He said, voice muffled by Loki's hair. Loki smiled against his neck and turned his head so the side of his face rested against Tom's chest, nose brushing his collarbone.

Tom smiled and cupped his cheek, stroking it with his thumb as he spoke. "Are they." Loki replied almost sarcastically.

"Honey," Thomas began, cradling Loki's face in his hands and pulling him back to gaze into his eyes, "You know I don't feel anything for Zawe right?"

Loki averted his eyes, "I know, I just..I just get worried- I feel like you could do better than me."

"There is no one on this planet or any other that I would rather be with. I want you and only you love. You are the love of my life, Loki." Tom said softly, gazing into his eyes. Loki grinned and pressed their foreheads together, "You are the love of mine as well Thomas."

Tom smiled and kissed him sweetly before lacing their fingers together and dragged him deeper into the water, laughing happily as they splashed each other and horsed around for hours on end.

A trail of water lead into the kitchen and Tom smirked.

"Hmm I wonder where he could be?" He overdramatically pondered, walking towards the row of cabinets. The water stopped right in front of it and he flung the cabinet doors open.

A sharp gasp escaped Loki's lips and he squeezed past Tom, booking it for the master bedroom. Tom laughed and followed after him.

He entered the room and looked everywhere. The closet was empty save for their clothes, the bathroom had no signs of his god- not even underneath the bed. Tom almost gave up until he heard a small thud and a muffled ouch!

Tom chuckled to himself and walked towards the source of the sound. 

"Gotcha!" He yelled triumphantly, scooping Loki up and throwing him over his shoulder. The god yelped and laughed, "You imbecile! Release me!"

Tom grinned, carrying him to the living room. "Nope."

Loki smirked and placed his hands on Tom's backside, squeezing both cheeks at the same time twice. Tom felt hands squeeze him and laughed, "What are you doing now you pervert?"

"I am merely enjoying my view Thomas." He replied, keeping his hands firmly placed there until Tom playfully tossed him onto the sofa and hovered over him. Loki laughed and grinned up at his husband.

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