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    They had somehow managed to sleep for almost an entire day. When Loki awakened, Tom was gone. The sound of running water answered his whereabouts. He grabbed Tom's cellphone and checked the time, also seeing a missed call from Zawe. 

He remembered Zawe telling Thomas to call her once he arrived at the hotel. They had been so busy cuddling and fucking like rabbits he had forgotten, and that amused the trickster. He chuckled to himself and decided to call her himself.

It picked up on the third ring, and Zawe's voice sounded on the other end. "Tom?"

"No, it's Loki. Thomas must have forgotten to ring you once we arrived at the hotel."

He heard the faint sound of rustling before she spoke again, "Where is he?"

Loki rolled his eyes, "He is showering. We slept for quite a time yesterday, and I am calling to assure you we made it."

"Oh, okay. Tell him to call me once he's done with the interview please." She said, sighing.

A dark chuckle escaped the god's lips. He most certainly wouldn't. Besides, his dear mortal would not be upset with him for not telling him. He could easily say he forgot.

He went to respond, but heard the call drop. Loki scowled down at the screen, cursing Zawe under his breath. Just as he placed the device back on the nightstand, Tom entered the room in nothing but a towel, walking over to his suitcase and sorting through the clothes in search of an outfit.

Loki smirked at his lack of clothing and walked over to him, wrapping his arms around the mortal's waist and nuzzling his nose into his neck. 

Tom slightly jumped, not realizing Loki was awake. 

"You scared me." He chuckled, reaching back and squeezing Loki's bare hip. The god was still stark naked much to his amusement.

Loki grinned against his neck and slid his hands over Thomas' chest, grazing his nipples. His touch alone made Tom's abdomen quiver with delight, and he had to grab the god's hands before they ended up in the sheets once more.

Loki pouted, his lips still attached to Tom's neck. 

"If you keep pawing at me like that I'll never make it to my interview." Tom teased. This made Loki smirk again, and he reluctantly stopped his fondling, resting them on Thomas' happy trail. 

Tom put on his infamous navy blue sweater and black jeans, slipping on his grey boots. This outfit was simple and easy, which is why he wore it so much.

He did a once over in the mirror before turning around to find the still naked god watching him. Tom chuckled and walked over to him, sliding his hands up the god's pale chest and pulling him into a kiss. 

This was their second non-sexual kiss, and it was even better than the first. Loki's arms wrapped around Thomas' waist, pulling him flush against his chest and swiping his tongue across Tom's bottom lip. 

Tom happily parted his lips, letting Loki's tongue slide through and explore his mouth. Their tongues clashed and danced, and Thomas unfortunately pulled away before the kiss became too heated.

"Mmm rush through that interview of yours." Loki purred seductively, hooking the belt loop of Tom's pants and yanking him close. 

Tom blushed and bit his lip, "I'll try."

"Good," Loki kissed Tom's cheek, "Now go before you are late."

The gesture made Tom smile, and he returned it before scurrying off to the interview. He would be gone for at least two hours. What the Hel was Loki supposed to do for those two hours? Tom's laptop seemed like a good idea.

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