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    Tom was abruptly pulled out of his slumber by the pilot announcing that they would be landing in a few minutes. He glanced down at the god sleeping peacefully on his lap, and smiled. He held Loki closer and kissed the top of his head, not wanting to wake him just yet.

It was now nearing seven in the morning, and thankfully they had this entire day to recover from jet lag and get settled into the hotel. They would be in Boston for an entire week. 

Tom was pulled from his thoughts by Loki yawning and rubbing his eyes, waking up from his dream.

"Thomas?" He croaked. Tom smiled and hugged him close, nuzzling his nose into Loki's soft raven locks. 

The pilot announced that the plane was officially landing, and Tom had to literally peel the god off of him long enough to gather their things. Even as he sat back down and buckled them both up, Loki still found a way to lay his head on Tom's shoulder.

He grasped Loki's hand and intertwined their fingers together, rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb. Loki's other arm wrapped around the one Tom used to hold his hand and clung onto him like a leech.

With a little bump here and there, the plane finally landed. They grabbed their carry-ons and exited the plane, Loki's hand brushing against his as they walked. He knew the trickster badly wanted to touch him, but they just couldn't. The threat of paparazzi was just too risky.

Once they got to the baggage claim, Tom couldn't resist any longer and slipped an arm around the god's waist, pulling him flush against his side and hugging him. Loki wrapped his around Thomas' back and buried his face into Tom's neck. 

The hug was slightly brief, as they didn't want to make it look intimate, (even though it was), and thankfully Tom hadn't heard a camera click which meant they were good.

Tom had requested a driver to take him and Loki to the hotel. A perk of being an A-List actor was getting a personal driver whenever he needed courtesy of Luke, his manager. 

He could tell Loki was still exhausted. The god had barely gotten any sleep the night they left, and the plane seats weren't exactly comfortable. 

They settled into the car and the driver began the twenty minute trip to the hotel. He looked over, checking up on the trickster. His eyes were drooping, and he was nodding off.

He wanted to hold Loki in his arms and tell him to sleep, but he didn't know how the driver would react to two men who looked like twin brothers getting cuddly in the backseat. But Tom felt the urge to at least provide a little comfort. 

Tom glanced back to find Loki asleep with his head uncomfortably resting against the glass. At this point, to hell with the driver. His god needed some cozy cuddling to help him sleep. He leant over and gently removed him from the window, laying the god's head on his shoulder and wrapping his arm around Loki's shoulders. 

They remained that way for the entire drive. When they arrived at the hotel, Loki was still sleeping peacefully, and he didn't want to wake him. Waking up a sleep-deprived god of mischief was not a good idea.

Thomas carefully removed his arm and shook Loki awake. The god groaned and opened his eyes, searching for the warmth and security of his Thomas. He tried to lay back on his shoulder, but Tom stopped him, much to the immortal god's disappointment.

"We're here love." He said softly, not wanting to agitate Loki anymore than he already was.

Loki growled, "It's about time." 

𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✓Where stories live. Discover now