Home is With You.

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(the photo above is what their new house looks like)

    "What is it, dog?" Loki cooed, bending over to scratch behind the chocolate spaniel's ears. Bobby yipped happily and he heard the door unlock and shut. 

Loki turned the stove off and followed Bobby to the door, chuckling as he jumped up on Tom for attention. 

Tom smiled down at him, "Hey Bobs! Have you been a good boy for Loki?" 

His attention turned from the dog to Loki standing not far from him. Tom grinned and walked over to the god, curling his arms around Loki's waist and pulling him in for a kiss. Loki happily returned it, sliding his hands underneath Tom's shirt to caress his abdomen.

"Have you been a good boy while I was gone?" Tom teased, brushing his lips against Loki's. Loki chuckled darkly and hooked the waistband of Thomas' trousers, pulling him flush against him. "Mmm I'm afraid not. You may need to punish me."

Tom licked his lips and used one of his hands to cup Loki's bottom, "I see you're wearing the robe of sex again."

"And only this robe of sex." Loki purred, dipping his hand into Tom's briefs. Tom grinned and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. "Is that so?"

They laughed happily together and as Loki lead him to their shared bedroom, Tom reflected over everything that has happened in the span of a year.

He had been in a relationship with Zawe. An unhealthy one that he felt restricted and trapped in- and then Loki came to him in need of a place to stay. Loki had gone from being his counterpart to so much more. He fell head over heels in love with him. Loki had gotten him out of his toxic relationship and showed him how it felt to be loved. Truly loved. 

And now, with Loki underneath him, eyes locked on each other, he knew where he truly belonged. Not in London trapped in a toxic relationship with Zawe, but here in Hawaii with Loki. His soulmate. The love of his life.

His god.


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