First Date

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    Loki woke up the next morning to find Tom's face nuzzled into his collarbone, the god's arms wrapped securely around his waist. This was the first time Thomas had been little spoon, and Loki honestly wasn't complaining. His warmth felt incredible.

The two were lying on their sides, spooning in reverse. (like the art above) 

Tom's unruly ginger curls were tickling Loki's chin and he could hear the soft noise of his lover's breathing. It was relaxing, and Loki almost fell back asleep until Thomas stirred and pressed a chaste kiss to his chest. Loki smiled and squeezed the man before pecking his temple and nuzzling his nose into Tom's hair. It smelled of the shampoo they had brought with them.

"Good morning love." Loki purred. He could feel that they were both still naked and decided to tease the man a little. Tom smiled and snuggled deeper into him. "Morning."

Tom's morning voice shocked Loki. It was oh so husky and so much sexier than his usual cheerful tone. He smirked and trailed one of his hands down Tom's back, cupping his bottom and giving it a squeeze. Tom blushed and began nipping at Loki's neck, leaving marks behind along with a few kisses. 

He could feel Loki's cock hardening and pressing against his abdomen. Tom had woken up a little bit before the god and had done some thinking. Loki was always the one on the bottom-- he always let Tom have his way with him. Thomas wanted Loki to take him as well. 

Deciding to act on his decision, he used his hips to push Loki on his back and straddled his waist. Loki eyed him questioningly, and then moaned as Tom placed his hands on his chest and rolled his hips. Loki's shaft slid against the puckered hole and twitched as Tom began grinding on him. 

"You are playing a dangerous game Thomas." Loki growled, grasping Tom's hips and holding him in place firmly. Tom smirked, "Am I?"

Loki's eyes narrowed, "Do not tease me."

Tom grinned, a hint of mischief in his eyes and ground his hips once more. This caused another groan to escape the god's lips, and he glared up at him. 

"I did some thinking before you woke up." Tom said seductively. His hands slid up Loki's chest, balancing him as he moved to hover over Loki's achingly hard cock. 

He leaned down to Loki and pressed their foreheads together, "I want you to take me." 

"Are you sure?" Loki asked. He wanted to make sure this was something Tom desired.

Tom lowered himself down slightly, the tip of Loki's cock pressing against his hole. "Yes. God yes." He begged. The god's eyes darkened with lust at Tom's sinful tone and he kissed him passionately before pulling away. 

"I'll need to perform the spell to prepare you. It will hurt Thomas." Loki said, giving one of his hips a squeeze. Tom inhaled slowly and pushed back against Loki's cock. 

"I know it will, but I want this. I want to please you." Tom whispered dirtily into his ear, nibbling gently at Loki's ear lobe. Loki's cock twitched in anticipation at his words and with a flick of his wrist, Tom was ready. 

He gasped sharply and slid a hand up to Loki's shoulder, gripping it tightly as the spell stretched and lubricated him. Surprisingly, it wasn't as painful as Loki had made it seem. The lubricant made it subside a little, and he couldn't wait to have Loki finally fuck him. 

Tom's eyes fluttered open and he pushed back against Loki's dick again, giving the god a pleading look. Loki took this as his consent and slowly started to push himself into Tom's warm hole. 

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