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    The following morning, Loki woke to muffled yelling. He groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. Foolish mortals and their stupid need to be right all the time. Loki rolled out of bed and got dressed similarly to yesterday, walking down the stairs to find Tom and Zawe arguing in the living room. 

"Thomas. Don't you lie to me!" Zawe barked, pointing at her phone screen. Loki looked closely and saw that it was a photo of him and Tom holding hands. 

Zawe's eyes snapped to his and Loki snickered, smirking and walking into the kitchen to find himself something to eat. More muffled arguing continued, much to his delight. Tom was speaking to her calmly, while she was raising absolute hell. 

"Zawe, love. Listen to me. He was panicking and hyperventilating. I only did that to calm him down." He said, reaching out to her. She huffed and left the room, glaring at the god as she passed by him. His smirk grew and she scowled, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

Tom walked into the kitchen with a glum expression. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply, locking eyes with the immortal. "Zawe thinks we're secretly in love and that we're going to run away together to another planet and get married."

Loki cackled loudly, throwing his head back and leaning against the counter. Tom chuckled lowly and walked over to him, patting the god's back and taking a slice of toast out of the toaster. 

"Can we bring the mutt with us?" Loki joked, downing the glass of milk he had prepared himself. Tom laughed and spread jam on the bread, "Definitely."

Tom spread jam and butter on two slices of toast and handed one to Loki before retreating to his office to look over the script for his new project. Loki thanked him for the food and ate it, wandering off to his room for peace and quiet.

Around noon, he came downstairs for more food and found Zawe standing at the sink washing the dishes. What a shame. Loki had started to warm up to her. He decided to get a little revenge.

Using his magic, he grabbed the bottle of soap while she wasn't looking, and squeezed some on top of her head. He snickered to himself and let the bottle hit the floor right as Tom entered the room, also in search for more food.

"Love?" He said, brows furrowing. He reached out and touched the soap that was now soaking into her hair. She smiled up at him, but it quickly disappeared as he showed her the blue liquid.

"Did you just put soap in my hair?" She accused, tossing the towel onto the countertop and crossing her arms over her chest. Loki snickered to himself and finally walked all the way down the staircase, revealing himself to the couple. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, making it look as if he had just woken up. 

Zawe glared at the god and picked the bottle up off of the floor, setting it on the counter harshly. Loki had to turn away from her heated gaze so he wouldn't burst into a fit of laughter.

"Loki." She seethed. The god turned around, meeting her narrowing eyes. He glared even harsher back. "What do you want?" He spat, looking her up and down with a disgusted expression. 

She grabbed Tom's hand and showed it to him, "Did you do this?"

"Of course not. I've just woken up from my nap." He scoffed. Tom pulled his hand away from Zawe and moved to stand between the two. "Darling, Loki, please calm down." He said, calling Zawe the pet name, and Loki his name. Even though there was a clear distinction, Zawe mistook him. 

"Oh so he's your precious little darling now too huh?" She snarled. Loki's head perked up and he watched in amusement as Tom sighed, running a hand down his face. "Zawe, I was calling you that."

She rolled her eyes, not wanting to be wrong and left the room. Tom followed after her, and soon the unmistakable sound of muffled shouting ensued. He grabbed his tea and package of biscuits and retreated back to his room. 

A few hours later, Tom came up to Loki's room and shut the door loud enough for his presence to be known to the god. He sat down on the edge of the bed, sighing. Loki sat up against his headboard, laptop on his thighs and the biscuits and tea on his nightstand. 

"You seem upset Thomas." He said, breaking the silence after a moment. He reached over and took a cookie out of the packet, setting it on Tom's thigh and leaning back against the headboard once more. 

Tom looked down at the cookie on his lap and smiled, taking a bite out of it. "Zawe and I had a falling out, but we made up."

For some reason, a painful sting of jealousy rippled through his chest at the mention of Tom's lover. It confused him, and he frowned. 

"Don't worry, she's not angry with you anymore. I never was." 

Loki felt like a scolded child with parents on the brink of divorce. She was too dramatic for his liking. He scoffed, "Then why was I blamed for that pathetic mortal's mishaps hm?"

Tom winced at the god's harshness, and shifted to face him. "She's just stressed. She wants nothing more than for you to feel at home here, and I feel the same." Loki's eyes narrowed, and the words that came out of his mouth hurt Tom deeply.

"Well you can pass along that she is doing a horrid job at it. If anything I feel unwanted here."

The words had left the god's mouth before he could stop them, and his hardened expression softened when Tom's eyes glassed over. 

"You...feel unwanted here?" Tom whispered, voice cracking. Loki's heart broke at the sound and he sighed, setting the laptop aside. "I feel as though I am a burden here."

Tom's brows furrowed and the tears brimming in his eyes almost spilled over. "You aren't a burden or a bother to us Loki. Especially not to me."

His heart warmed at his mortal's words, and h- did he just say his mortal??

Tom sniffled and reached over, placing his hand on Loki's knee. 

"You aren't a burden to me." He spoke softly, leaving his hand there. Silence fell between them, and they both could feel the tension rising. It wasn't an awkward one, oh no it wasn't that. Tom's hand ever so lightly slid upwards, teasingly slow. Loki's breath hitched softly and his cheeks reddened.

Tom began to lean forwards, and Loki looked up at him through his lashes as the mortal moved to hover over him. Just as their lips were about to meet, Tom's name was called from downstairs.

A deep sigh left Tom's lips and he smirked down at the blushing mess that was Loki. His hand fell to Loki's hip and gave it a gentle squeeze, his lips brushing against the god's neck. "Definitely not a burden." He whispered, nipping at his pulse point and pulling away, leaving Loki a flushed, aroused mess. 

After Tom had left the room, Loki released the breath he had been holding, and touched the area Tom's lips had been. He was confused greatly, but more aroused than anything. 

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