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- warnings: vouyerism and frotting -

    Merely an hour into the flight, Tom was out cold. They had lifted the arm rests to turn the seats into a makeshift sofa. Surprisingly, it was just the right length for Tom and Loki both to stretch out onto it. It was nearing six in the morning.

Tom was currently little spoon. He had a leg draped over Loki's, his face buried into the god's neck, and his arms around Loki's waist. Loki had an arm wrapped around Thomas' waist and the other held the book he was reading. He didn't feel like sleeping, so he decided to cuddle his mortal companion and catch up on the book he had started during his first day at Tom's house.

He thought back to those days. It seemed like ages ago, but it had only been around two or three weeks. Loki wouldn't change any of it for all the thrones in the world.

Tom stirred in his sleep and snuggled deeper into Loki's neck, smiling softly at his lover's warmth. Loki felt him smile and slipped his hand underneath Tom's shirt, rubbing his back soothingly. This made Tom fall right back asleep. Loki knew he needed it. 

He checked to make sure Thomas was truly sleeping, and wiggled his fingers. A golden ring with an emerald diamond appeared in his hand and Loki smiled. He planned on giving it to Tom soon. 

Loki had originally planned to gift it to him the night after their date, but things..happened and he never got the chance. It wasn't an engagement ring persay, more of a promise ring. 

Although if Tom wanted it to be an engagement ring he would be more than happy to make it so. 

Loki made the ring disappear and he gradually began to fall asleep himself. He welcomed the feeling and nuzzled his nose into Tom's hair, falling into a deep sleep with his Thomas in his arms. 

Another two hours flew by and Tom stirred, finding Loki snoring softly and clutching onto him protectively while he slept. Tom chuckled and kissed the underside of his jaw sweetly before sitting up and pulling out his laptop. Due to all of the drama (and sex) he hadn't studied his script at all during the week. He started filming back up in two months and slacking off now would only hurt him. He needed to have it memorized. 

Loki woke up from Tom moving and sat up as well, immediately curling up against Tom's side and laying his head on his shoulder. Tom smiled down at him and carefully wound his arm around Loki's waist, hugging him closer and giving his hip a comforting squeeze.

They still had four hours left on the flight, and Tom began thinking about how he would move Zawe out. She would probably put up a fight and cause more drama. Tom just wanted to be happy with Loki. Alone. With her out of the picture. 

He looked down and smiled warmly at his boyfriend. Loki's lips were parted slightly, and he looked rather peaceful as he slept. The usual scowl and hostile demeanor was gone, replaced by a cute God of Mischief that snores like a little puppy. Tom's smile widened as Loki nuzzled deeper and smiled in his sleep.

Tom couldn't wait to finally be home in his own bed. The first thing he was going to do is kick Zawe out, and then move all of Loki's things into what would become their shared bedroom. The thought of waking up next to Loki for the rest of his years made him smile like an idiot. 

Loki stirred again, shifting and squirming to get more comfortable. Tom frowned and remembered just how awful these seats were for sleeping. He still needed to look over his script, which meant no spooning, but he still wanted Loki to stretch out on the seats.

"Darling." Tom cooed softly, running a hand through Loki's raven locks. His brows pulled in his sleep. "Wake up honey." 

Loki's eyes fluttered open and he grumbled, "Are we in London?"

𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 - 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✓Where stories live. Discover now