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Salvatore Boarding House, March 2010


Finding out I was pregnant again single handedly knocked the air out of me but after talking to Meredith and seeing that tiny blip made me realize I could do this despite how scared I was

the drive from the hospital to the Salvatore boarding house gave the time to think about how I was gonna tell Damon that he was gonna be a father in five months it was defiantly gonna be interesting

I never expected that I would be pregnant soon after losing my daughter but here we were but I was not gonna let me fear stop me from being the best possible mother I could be

I hadn't spoke to Damon in almost a week after finding out about his little bed mate I had been avoiding him and ignoring his calls so I'm not sure how well this was gonna go over with him

as I pulled up outside the boarding house my nerves were starting to get the best of me, I cut of the engine and pulled the keys out of the ignition and a breath before getting out of the car closing and locking the door behind me

I felt my heart start to beat wildly as I came to the front door, I raised my hand hesitantly and knocked hard on the door hoping that they heard me

"no turning back now" I whispered to myself

the door finally opened and instead of Damon it was Stefan who opened the door with a confused look before I could say anything I could see everyone sitting down in the living area

Jeremy, Elena, Caroline, Alaric, Bonnie and another guy who I didn't recognized which made me confused as they all looked at me with surprise and nervous looks on their faces

he gave me a small confused smile, "Elly, is everything okay, what you doing here" he asked

I started to get nervous again and twirled my ring around my finger again now was the time, no turning back now, "I was looking for Damon, he around" I asked

he looked a little concerned and surprised, "what do you need Damon for" he asked

I rolled my eyes, "I just need to talked to him so if you don't mind" I said

he nodded, "uh yeah sure, Damon," he said then shouted his name

a few seconds later he appeared at the bottom of the stairs, "what little brother, was there any need to shout that loud" he asked

Stefan rolled his eyes and shook his head, "you have a visitor" he said and Damon looked towards me a look of guilt and anger crossed his face

"well hello Elly, what can I do for you" he asked walking towards me still smirking

he stopped in front of me and pulled me inside while shutting the door behind me, "I wanted to talk to you about something" I asked

he smiled, "and what something would that be" he asked stepping closer to me

my heart was still beating widely in my chest and from the conor of my eyes I could see everyone listening in to the conversation

I looked back to Damon, "Is there anywhere we could talk privately please" I asked the ultrasound weighed heavy in my pocket

"sure, follow me," he said and turned around walking back towards the stairs, as I followed him Elena put out her hand and stopped me

"Are you sure Stefan can't help you?" she asked

I gave her a confused look, " yeah I'm sure, I'll be fine" I said and followed Damon up the stairs and into his room

I closed the door after I mutter a quick silence charm so nobody could overhear and turned around to face him

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