* Chapter 26. Protection *

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Paige seemed a little lost. She was sitting all on her own. Maybe her back hurt or perhaps people don't treat her right. I walked up to her, 'you're okay?' She looked up and nodded. 'Yeah, I am fine. Are you done here?' She asked. 'Yeah...' she got up and walked over to my alt-more. Quite slow. 'Ey, Paige. What's the matter with you?' I asked. 'Nothing. I am fine,' she stated. 'Does your back hurt?' I asked. She gave a small nod, 'yeah, but only a little bit. Nothing too bad,' she stated. I rubbed her cheek. 'Alright, let's go home then,' I said and opened the door for her. She seemed a little surprised.

'Thank you.'

She carefully hopped in. 'Sunstreaker?' I turned. 'He nice to her,' Ironhide said. 'I am nice! I just asked her how she felt,' I snapped before walking over to the other side of my car. 'Just a warning,' he said and walked off. I rolled my eyes before hopping in. 'Shall we me a pitstop at McDonalds,' I asked. Her face lit up. 'I thought you didn't like fast food,' she said. 'I don't, but nothing is wrong with eating it once in a while,' I said.

'Are you going to tell me what's wrong?'
She sighed. 'The soldiers were rude... that's all.' She seemed upset about it. I laid my hand on her without lookiong at her. Hopefully, it will comfort her a little bit. I am not a pro and I don't know what else to do so I hoped my gesture would be good enough. I felt her grasp my hand. Sometimes I really wondered why people didn't have faith in her. I know she can be a good soldier, with the right training and teammates of course.

We got some food and settled in the restaurant. A smile pulled up on her lips as she watched me eat. 'What?' I sulked. 'Nothing.' She got up and sat beside me, gently wiping some saugage of my cheeks and lips. 'Thank you.' She hesitated but pressed a kiss on my cheekboke before getting up and sitting down in front of me. She was oddly quiet during dinner and just by looking at her face, I could tell she was in a lot of pain. I admired her strengh but at the same time, I wanted her to tell me how bad the pain was. 'Ey, uhm...' she looked up. 'You're in quite a lot of pain, isn't it?' I asked. 'Is it really that obvious?' she asked. 'If someone don't know you... they won't notice but... I see it,' I said. She smiled weakly at me. 'I didn't want to complain,' she mumbled.

'I know...' I cupped her cheek. When we finished, I brought her back to my alt-mode and drove her home. She settled on the couch and relaxed. I sat down beside her, wrapping my arm around her. She curled up against me and nuzzled in my neck. I held her knees and hugged her. She laid her hand on my cheek and softly rubbed over my skin. She looked at my lips for a moment and I knew what she was thinking. 'You're looking at my lips.'

She blushed and laid her head back down, resting her hand on my chest. I softly rubbed her back and stared at the black screen of the TV. We were interupted by the sound of her phone. She moved away from me and picked up. 'Hey, mom...' she greeted quietly. I got up and decided to give her some privacy. Instead, I headed upstairs to draw. I closed the door of the room and looked around, staring at some of my paintings. This was my atelier. This is my space and even Paige is not allowed to come here. I settled down with a painting and grabbed the oil paint from the drawer behind the large wooden desk.

While I was mixing the paint, I heard a knock and Paige stood in the doorway. 'I have to go... I will see you tonight, okay?' she asked. 'First of all, I thought I was clear about the fact that I don't want you here when I am working on my paintings and second of all... where on earth are you going?' he snapped. 'My mom wants to see me,' I said. He snorted, 'sure...' I scowled and sat down. 'Nice painting,' she said and gestured at it. I looked at it myself. 'I don't know...'
She raised a brow. 'Silly mech... it's beautiful,' she snorted. I glanced at her. 'I have changed it so many times...' I sighed. 'You're a perfectionist... but it's a nice painting,' she said before turning around. 'Be careful Paige.'

She gave a small nod and shut the door behind her. I didn't feel good letting her leave alone. She's injured and I don't want that mech to touch her again. I sighed and got up, walking downstairs. 'Where do you need to go?' I asked, crouching down and laced her shoes for her. 'You can stay here and paint... I'll be fine,' she said. 'I actually doubt that... I don't want you to get into trouble again,' I said and got up. 'My mom would like to talk to me,' she said. I helped her up and wrapped my arms around her waist. Gently so I wouldn't hurt her. 'Alright...' I kissed her forehead. A purr escaped from her. She laid her head on my chest. 'Shall we go?'

She gave a small nod and and followed me outside. 'Shall we order food tonight?' I asked. She nodded, 'what do you want to order?' she asked. 'Poke bowl?' She nodded again. Once I arrived at her home, she kissed my cheek and walked off. I waited patiently for her to return.

((Paige's P.O.V))
I took a deep breath before I walked inside. Mom embraced me and smiled. 'Honey, I missed you,' she said and brushed some strands from my face. 'What happened to you?' she asked. I shook my head, 'what was it you wanted to talk about?' I asked. 'I am sorry, for everything. I want you to come home,' she said. 'I like where I live now,' I said honestly. 'All alone? How can that be fun?' she asked. 'I am not alone... I live with someone,' I said. 'Really?' she sounded surprised. 'Yeah, Sunstreaker asked me to move in with him so... he's waiting outside for me,' I said.

She hummed and gestured to me to sit down. 'How's dad doing?' I asked. 'He's doing good, he'll be released tomorrow,' she said. 'Ah, great,' I mumbled. I looked down at my lap for a moment. 'Look mom... I don't want to go to Harvard. I want to do something I like and working at the base is what I want,' I said, meeting her brown orbs. 'Do you understand my worries? I am your mother,' she stated. 'I know... but, this is what I want,' I said. 'I don't like the idea. I know your obession with him...' she trailed off. 'Are you here to argue with me about Sunstreaker?' I asked. 'He is an alien, Paige. How exactly do you see your future?' she asked. 'He has an holoform... I told you,' I said. 'Paige...'

'He's going to leave earth at some point. Leave you behind... he's dangerous.' I got up. 'I trust him and we are friends. He doesn't want me... we are only friends,' I said. 'But you want him... and soon or later, that will crash. The more you are around him, the more you want him and he doesn't like you equally,' she stated. 'He will kill you as soon as you are going to ask more from him,' she warned. 'We are friends,' I said before turning around and left.

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