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I couldn't believe my eyes. I wasn't sure if this was a dream or another vision. I just wanted all these hallucinations to stop. I was in a peaceful garden, surrounded by running river water. And I wasn't alone.

The little girl who I kept seeing was sitting in front of me. But I don't think she was able to see me. She fiddled through the pages of her book casually and took a bite of an apple that fell from a nearby tree.

I sighed and leaned forward in annoyance. These hallucinations were really starting to irritate me. I hated looking like a crazy person. In my sleep, I heard James and the Lieutenant consider locking me away.

But I was too weak so I couldn't say anything. It felt like I was trapped in a coma.

"Can you stop breathing so hard?" The little girl snapped and looked directly at me. I sat up straight and blinked at her in surprise. Did she just speak to me?

I turned around to see if that older woman was going to reappear like she always did, but that wasn't the case. I then looked back at the girl and pointed to myself and tilted my head.

"Yes, I'm talking to you." The little girl rolled her eyes and shut her book. It startled me. She pushed the book aside and crossed her arms.

"Oh!" I gasped. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were able to see me!"

"Of course I'm able to see you. I'm the one that brought you here." She snapped angrily. "You humans aren't so bright."

Did this little girl just insult me? She was like 6 and she was sitting here calling me dumb. Her parents obviously raised her wrong.

"Stop thinking so much, I don't have parents."

"You're able to read my thoughts?" I whined. Now she was really starting to creep me out.

"In this realm, I can." She nodded. "I need to inquire to you something important. Earlier, you used my command on the Criebeasts."

"The what?" I tilted my head at her. What did she say?

"Criebeasts. These things." She snapped her fingers, and one of the creatures appeared next to us. I screamed and scrambled away. She rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers again. "Relax, nothing in this realm can hurt you."

"Oh, thank god." I fell on my knees and held my hand to my chest.

"You don't seem to be a bounty hunter. So why do you have these abilities?" The little girl stood up and poked me in the forehead. "Who gave them to you? Who's side are you on?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Someone and I was attacked and discovered we had these abilities." I scoffed. She was acting so hostile for no reason. I was completely clueless as to what she was going on about.

"You don't seem like a threat to me." She hummed and eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm not! I don't even know who you are!!"

"Then why did my sister include you in our realm of communication? I felt your presence twice."

"Your sister?"

"Ugh. You really don't know anything. That's fine I guess." She began to speak again, but the ground below us started to shake violently. I flopped over onto my stomach and watched in awe as the girl stood, totally unaffected by the earthquake.

"What's happening!? Why is the ground shaking!?"

"It seems that your partner discovered us here. He is trying to intercept and come into the realm."

"Partner?" I gripped onto one of the trees for dear life.

"The man that seems to have a sexual attraction to you. He's right outside." She shrugged. I was more shocked at her use of words. She looked like a small child but had the vocabulary of an adult like me. Who was she even talking about!?

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