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"Extraordinary news, earthling." Lu'an barged into my cell with her hands held out wide. She smiled at me and dragged me forward. "You were correct. Apparently the technology we've been using to communicate with your planet is outdated. As they say on your land, 'Whoops, my bad.'" She shrugged.

I couldn't believe her. She kept me locked in the cell until she finished investigating only to find out I was telling the truth, and her apology sounded so insincere.

"Are you willing you let me go back home now?" I relaxed my body, hoping that she'd agree. It was freezing cold here, and there were no blankets or towels to keep me warm. The food was absolutely disgusting and I couldn't even digest it properly. I didn't even know what I was eating. If it was meat or greens, I wouldn't be able to tell.

"Absolutely not." Lu'an shook her head at me and motioned me out of the cell. "You must tell me more about your planet and still convince me why I should let them live." I followed her down a corridor which led back into the main lobby area.

It's where the other people roamed the ship to enjoy a meal or relax and socialize. Their kind was a lot more awkward though. Their social skills were quite different. Everyone stood at least 5 feet apart and spoke monotone which each other about science or technology facts. I didn't understand any of it.

"As I've stated before," We both stopped by the lounge area. "We didn't know about the alliance. Many people thought the Criebeasts were after us. So some made plans to kill them. But it was only to protect their families and communities." I sighed. "We humans may seem completely crazy, but we are civilized in our own ways."

"Someone still has to be punished." She clicked her tongue at me and sat down on the couch. "Executed, even. And my people will not respect me if I am not upholding the laws of my world."

Why was she being so unreasonable? I was starting to understand why Su didn't want to go back home. It was like talking to a wall. Whatever I said wouldn't be understood or taken seriously.

I sighed and sat across from her. I had a strange suggestion, but I wasn't sure if I should actually say it or not. But if it could save the earth, then I was all for it. "Then let me be executed. I'll take the punishment on behalf of my species."

"Don't be funny." Lu'an rolled her eyes. "You are being rewarded, and it's impossible for a person promised a reward to be punished in our laws."

"Then what exactly do you want me to do? What can I do to keep the earth and my family safe?" I whined, really getting tired of this back and forth about the earth. I just wanted to be assured that James and the others would also be safe in case I couldn't return.

"You are very adamant about this." Lu'an sighed. "Is there someone on this planet that you are involved with? A partner, perhaps?"

"I—n-no!" I stuttered. Not this again. I didn't want to talk about my nonexistent romantic life with these people. They all spoke in science terms and it would just be embarrassing.

"Your heart rate sped up just now," Lu'an smirked and tilted her head back. "You are not being honest with me. I can tell. That means there is someone."

"There isn't anyone!" I blushed. I was telling the truth! I didn't know why they thought I was lying simply because I was freaking out on the inside. My heart sped up when I was embarrassed, and there's nothing wrong with that.

"The people of whom you speak, you should show them to me. Maybe I'll be convinced about keeping your planet the way it is by seeing your interactions with the people there."

How exactly would she be able to watch my interactions with other people from up in space? Lu'an grabbed my hand and smiled. "Show me." And suddenly, my environment changed and I was back on earth.

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