Chapter 1: Khaenr'iah

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The warm breeze and the gentle wind blew Iris' night-sky hair. Her emerald gentle eyes sparkled as she looked up to the beautiful blue sky. She could hear the ocean wavesand the sand on her feet. Iris, her small figure like the Ten-year-old lady enjoying her vacation with her Mother.

Iris saw a big orange crab in the ocean and her curiosity got on her. She looked at the crab-walking into the water and then she thinks, "what will happen if I give it a scare?" She thought then an evil smile was put on her face. She playfully peek-a-boo the crab, well the crab just stared at her dumbness.

"What? Why can't the crab be scared?" Then he touches the crab's big hands and because of that, shewas bitten. 

She shouted so loudly that even the other royal family looked in her direction. "IRIS!" her older brother, The Crown Prince shouts her name as he walks in her direction. Iris wants tocry but she should not.

"WHAT DID YOU DO AGAIN?!" The crown prince madly scolded her.

"I-I.. was just curious-"

suddenly, the crown prince snatched her hand and pull her to the chair to sit down.

"Curious about what? What did I teach you, Iris?" Iris couldn't say a word but stare at herbrother with her tearful emerald eyes.

 "C-curiosity could kill you..." Iris said and her brother sigh. "Exactly, Iris. What will happen if you ever get infected by that crab bite? Iris, you're a royal. Not a normal person. You need to take better care of yourself." The crown prince said with calmness."Y-yes... I am sorry, elder brother." The crown prince patted her head.

"There's no use crying now, let me fetch a maid to disinfect that wound." The crown prince stood upand ordered a maid to take care of Iris. 1st Princess Iris of The Khaenre'iah Empire. 

That's the title she was bestowed upon eversince she was born. Iris is not the Queen's daughter but a daughter of a concubine. Her step brothers which are from The Queen's womb treated Iris as their youngest child. Thestory of how both Iris' mother and The King were like a fairy-tale book. Iris originally doesn'thave royal blood running on her veins but a commoner one.

Her mother is a prostitute working every night just to buy food for them. It's an indecent job but at this age, you need to do everything in order to survive.

 One night because of the Duke's party, The King was invited and there he met Iris's mother. The king made her work in the palace as a maid and even let her daughter which is Iris stay inside the palace and that's when both of them fall in love and she became a concubine. 

Her father, The King loves her mother so much that the news spread worldwide and the Queen felt enraged by this news. But, ever since that day the only thing we all know is thatthe Queen is enraged and nothing more. 

It's suspicious. 

It's the king's birthday, that's why the crown prince and the 2nd prince are also here to celebrate the king's birthday and also with his concubine and Iris.

In the relationship between The King and the Queen, there was nothing new. Like the old aristocrats, they were married by political means. But maybe for the Queen, she marriedthe king because she loves him. But the king doesn't feel the same way.Iris play all day with the water even though she got injury from the crab. She's still a playfulchild. 

The cute little Iris couldn't stop making his family love her even more. Years passed and the day she's afraid the most came. A disease that is unknown cameinside the Empire and people all over Teyvat.

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