Chapter 7: Red Karma

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"My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again." 


Childe's words keep repeating on Sierra's head as she walks in the streets in Liyue City. Its lunchtime and she's feeling hungry when she saw food served from the streets. She wanted to eat street foods but she wanted to eat proper food first. 

Sierra puts her finger to her lips while she's deciding where or what restaurant will she eat. Should it be Xinyue Kiosk, Wanmin Restaurant, Liuli Pavilion — the wait is Liuili Pavilion even a restaurant? Oh! The view in Liuli Pavilion is also good! Should I also order food? Sierra's eyes shine as when she thought a great idea. But then she felt like a withered flower when she realized what she's doing. 

"Oh right, I need to eat proper food..." She mumbled. 

"Hmm, then should I try the tea house? But are they only serving tea in the tea house?" Sierralaughs at her idiotic self. "Of course, they serve tea, it's a tea house for goodness' sake! —" 

"Uhm..." Sierra was startled when someone tapped her shoulders. She turns around only to seeZhongli looking confused about what she's been doing in the middle of the street. The people also look at her as if she's a creep. 

"My lady, if I may?" Zhongli extended his hand as if escorting her. She observed around and realized that Zhongli is pretending that he knows her. Before, Zhongli would often escort Guizhong and Iris too. When Zhongli extended his hand toSierra, she accepted it and that's only she realized it when their hands touch.

Sierra felt a tingling sensation when she felt for the first time in years Zhongli's hands. Zhonglialso feel the same way but he didn't care, it feels like if he pushes her away, he might lose her at any second. And he is scared.

Suddenly, a young lady interrupted their moment. Both Sierra and Zhongli realized what they were just thinking and both of their faces turned red. They both put away both of their hands as they felt glances from the young girl. 

"Ah, Ms. Hu Tao." Zhongli greeted a young-looking child who carried fliers in her hands. 

"Hi there, Mr. Zhongli! Have you decided on the business proposal we discussed yesterday? If you haven't you can tell me now!" The girl's name Hu Tao chuckled. Sierra looked at Hu Tao who looks adorable but when she looks closely at Hu Tao's unique flower eyes, she saw the pain that she's conceiling. It wouldn't be easy to see it when this girl is always smiling and being carefree. 

Hu Tao shifted her gaze to the woman beside Zhongli, she stares at Sierra who got flustered by her stare. 

"My, my. What a beautiful lady. Who might she be, Mr. Zhongli? Is she your lady perhaps?" Sierra's face turns red when she heard, "your lady". 

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