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"We will meet each other again."


Different world, in a different timeline. They would always meet and the curse didn't lift. In each timeline, one must die while the other one suffers. The cycle would always repeat every time they meet until that one timeline and in a different world.

It's already lunch break when the school ring bell announcing lunchtime for students. The students gathered in one place to put their lunch box in the field while the other students made their way to the canteen while others who have money bought their own lunch from restaurants. 

Iris sigh feeling tired. It's only midday but she feels as though her body is tired. The reason is, it's because she didn't sleep well last night. Every night she would dream about a man in his 20's. Tall, brown-haired man. But what's more attractive of him is because of his amber eyes that would warmly look at her.

After that dream, every time she wakes up, she would find herself crying over a silly dream. She doesn't know why it pains her so much to see his amber eyes and the warm gazes he would give her. 

Iris sighs again, looking at her classmates while they play video games or read books. She stood up, picking up everything she needs. Her wallet and her phone into her pocket in her coat. She then makes her way to the library. 

Every time she feels bothered by something she doesn't know or she just feels bored books would always comfort her. Books are always her comfort destination in her everyday life. She silently picks up some books that made her feel interested. She took a seat near the window and started reading. 

After 2 hours, the bell rang signaling that the lunch break is over. She sighs again, disappointed. She's already half to the story and also, she's in the most interesting part. She stood up and goes to her classroom. 

A young man with amber eyes stares at her as soon as she left the library. His gaze was pinned to the spot where Iris sat down earlier. He felt a sincere familiarity with her and it pains his heart to see her. As if it's almost a longing feeling. 

He diverted his gaze to the outside of the window as he thinks deeply. 


Exams are already near, and Iris is preparing for the exams."Is our honor student nervous 'bout the exams?" A man with an eyepatch teases her. It's her brother Zach with tanned skin and a handsome face, he can almost play all the hearts of these girls in this school. Iris rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, Mr. Second Honor." She also teased him and Zach laugh. Zach and Iris are both siblings and also classmates in one section. The school calls them competitive siblings. Pretty cringe, right? 

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