Chapter 6: Someone

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"They may forget us but not in their hearts."


 Guyun Stone Forest, the cold wind, night sky, a wide ocean, and one full moon. Her eyes widen when Zhongli asked Sierra the question, her body froze and she can't speak while she stare at him.

"He's here, in front of me." She said in her mind. There was a long silence to the both of them that they can only hear the ocean waves. Sierra wanted to say something but she can't, it felt like she was forbidden to talk, and stares at those amber eyes of Zhongli. 

 Zhongli looks different now than his usual godly form. Sierra knows that Zhongli ended hiscontracts to all other contracts because of course, Sierra is a sister of the Tsaritsa and there isno way she wouldn't know. 

But those amber eyes remained in his. Those eyes that she adores while looking at it. She can'tget tired of it.

When Sierra is ready to speak, a flash of light suddenly embraced her body, and a second she'salready in the lobby room in one of the hotel suits in Liyue that was reserved for Fatui. 

Pantalone arrived from her behind and he put his head on her left ear.

"Where have you been?" Sierra jumped off and looked at Pantalone, who couldn't say a word.Until now, she's frozen. There are no thoughts in her mind that are coming naturally. She feltmixed emotions when she met him at that mountain peak. 

A minute later of silence, Pantalone's expression changed. He cupped Sierra's face with worry inhis eyes. "What happened? Are you hurt? Hungry?" Pantalone panicked.

"I met him..." Sierra whispered while looking down as her tears fell down non-stop. "I met him..." She muttered and whispered in the air when she finally realized it. She covered her facewith her hands while Pantalone caressed her hands gently. Pantalone couldn't utter a word as he stares at Sierra who's completely speechless. 

'was it her ex-lover?'  he thought.

 "Look at me." Her crying face looked at Pantalone, they're faces were close to each other as Pantalone put his forehead to hers. 

"Calm down." He spoke. Pantalone gritted his teeth. After becoming close to Sierra, he learned that there was someone else in her heart. Before she entered the Fatui, she loves someone else. Of course, it pains him. To learn that the person you're in love with had her heart captured by someone else is something more painful than any other.

 But knowing those, he still didn't give up.

"I don't want to see you cry, Sierra." Pantalone blurted out his feelings — giving a hint to Sierra. 'please, choose me.'  he silently hope. Sierra was there, crying on the couch as Pantaloneembraced her in his warmth until she fell asleep.

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