Chapter 12: Freedom

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Pantalone was standing from her behind while looking at the sad Sierra. He was too late to discover the traitor's scheme. He clenched his fists when he remembers what happened after Sierra left for Snezhnaya.

 As Pantalone heard the news of Sierra leaving Liyue to go back to Snezhnaya, hewas speechless. Why, would she suddenly leave Liyue without me? That's unlikelyof her. Pantalone knows that Sierra hates traveling alone because it's sickening that's what she said. 

She prefers to travel with someone else because it's more fun and it isn't sickening. 

He then stood up, pick up his coat, and left his office to Childe. Childe was surprised to see how Pantalone quickly pass him. Childe stopped him with a glare, "where are you going?" He asked."To Sierra." In Childe's eyes, Pantalone looks like he didn't take a rest for 5 days. Maybe because he was constantly thinking about Sierra again. Childe clenched his jaw and tightly gripped Pantalone's arms.

"There is not much time, let me go." Pantalone's voice felt like a plead. Childe sighand lets of his arm. Pantalone didn't look twice to Childe and left Northland Bank alone. 

He quickly gets in Snezhnaya after 2 days and immediately calls for an audience toHer Majesty, The Tsaritsa. Tsaritsa isn't surprised, it's because she already predicted this to happen. Sheknows Pantalone so much. She smiled because she knows that someone has changed because of just one person. 

"What brings you here, Pantalone?" Tsaritsa asked while she took a step forward to him. Pantalone knelt down, showing respect to Her Majesty."I have something to ask, your Majesty if I may." She nodded her head, telling him to speak. 

"Is Sierra still here?" She smirked, having fun with his expression. 

"No, Sierra is not here anymore. She already departed to Natlan yesterday. Herlast destination is Monsdtadt." She spoke. Pantalone clenched his jaw, he's too late to speak with Sierra again. He had somany questions for her, questions like who is she or where is truly her origin is? And why... a weak Sierra like her suddenly became strong one day? 

"I know you have questions about her, so I will tell you the truth," Tsaritsa said with her serious tone and face. Tsaritsa told him Sierra's origins."

Then... if Iris is Sierra. Where is the original Sierra? Also, her family?" He spokeout of nowhere."She already died even before Iris enters her body. As for her family —" Tsaritsastopped and she put her hands to her chin as if thinking of something. He was then reminded of Sierra — no Iris from Her Majesty's pose. 

"I also don't know where the original Sierra's family is. It's just one day sheregistered herself to enter Fatui even though she's weak." She spoke. Pantalonenods as if he doesn't really care, he just wanted to ask a question. 

"Then, may I tell you the real reason why I come here?" Tsaritsa's eyebrows furrowed and smiled, 'oh? it's not that reason?' 

"Sure. What is it?" Pantalone took a deep breath and look at Tsaritsa's eyes with determination. Pantalone loves Iris so much. When he realized that the woman he loves is the one who's occupying a body without its rightful owner he doesn't care. He just loves her the way she is. 

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