Chapter 10: Guilt from The Past

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"I'm tired of meeting people that will be either your friend or your lover. You will live a life with them, have fun with them. But then all of a sudden, that happiness broke. I'm tired of repeating the same cycle." 


That night, Sierra's mind went blank while the image of Dain keeps repeating on her mind. The memories that they made — the promises and the laughter they shared. All went to waste in one swift.

The little Iris went on her stroll in the castle walls because she's getting lazier day by day when her class starts at 7 am because of her swordsmanship. Her father and her brothers insisted that Iris must know how to wield even a little sword. Her mother really disagrees with it but it can't be helped when the little Iris wants to learn to. 

She realized it too late how hard and tiring it was. So, every day in the morning, she skips her swordsmanship class. A little later, she looks at her surroundings and realized that she lost herself in the field of Cecelia Flowers. 

She was amazed by it — but what more amazing was a boy sleeping on the cold floor while his books is in his face. Iris took a little step and carefully took out the book in his face to analyze him throughoutly. 

Blond hair and long eyelashes were the features of him that amazed the little Iris. A handsome little boy sitting in this big old tree in the middle of these Cecelia Flowers.

Iris sat down beside him. She doesn't know him but she feels comfortable and peaceful just by looking at the boy sleeping. So, she looked at the Cecelia Flowers while sitting beside him until she fell asleep.

A minute after Iris fell asleep, the handsome young boy woke up. His eyes widen when he saw a beautiful little girl who has black hair dark as the night sky. The handsome boy tries to wake her up and she slowly opens her eyes. 

"Oh! You're finally awake!" The little Iris laugh while the handsome boy was charmed by the little princess's smile. 

"What's your name?" Iris asked while her emerald eyes shined when the sunlight embraced them. 

"I'm Dainslef." Iris smiled. "Then it's nice to meet you, Dain! I'm Iris!" Dain recognized her name as the princess. He was ashamed of himself when he didn't recognize her by just her features. Iris laughs as if it's not something big of the deal.

That morning, they talk about a lot of things and they even shared their laugh as sweet and warm as Iris. 

After that day, the next day comes, and until the other day. Until they see each other every day. For Iris to take her swordsmanship class seriously, The King made Dainslef attend classes with her and they even become closer to each other.

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