Chapter 5: Zhongli

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"It was a hundred years ago, but I still remember the feeling of her warm spring."


The three of them sat down as Sierra served them tea. Sierra also sat down after serving themthe tea. She drank the tea with grace and Paimon was amazed at how graceful and elegantSierra is. 

"Wow! Sierra is so beautiful like a living princess!" Sierra flinched as she heard the wordsprincess. She put the tea on its tiny plate and Sierra smiled. But unlike her usual smile, thissmile speaks as though a threat. 

"You like princess, huh Paimon?" Sierra is still smiling but Paimon can feel how scary Sierra is.  

"I'm sorry to say this Paimon, but I don't really like Princessess or Princes. In other words—" Sierrasipped down her tea once more and look at Paimon with a threatening gaze, "I advise you tonot easily mention the word princess in front of my face, Ms. Paimon." Her usual sweet andgentle voice turned into a cold one — the coldest one that you can feel her anger in it. 

"W-we won't don't that again," Lumine said as she feels though the room hot even though it's acold-weather outside. Sierra's smile came back to gentle and sweet also her voice. 

"Right? Hehe" She laugh and sipped her tea once more and when she is finished, she put itdown. 

"Man, isn't that hot?" Pantalone muttered as he looked at Sierra, amazed at how she gulpedthe hot tea in her mouth. 

"Well, should we start?" The two nodded while the other one just took a glance. The four ofthem make a plan on how to track down Scaramouche and find Childe. Pantalone agreed to theplan which was unexpected because he will never agree easily in these times.

 Lumine and Paimon go back to their rooms here in Inazuma. When Lumine and Paimon gotback to their rooms, Paimon said something to Lumine.

"Lumine, isn't Sierra acting a little scary and strange earlier when I mentioned Princess?" Shecouldn't help but ask Lumine anymore. Lumine also saw what happened, of course, she alsohad this feeling of danger when Sierra turned into those kinds of mode. 

Sierra felt very dangerous earlier. Lumine feels Sierra's bloodlust which makes them weak.Lumine is strong enough but it's not about physically but mentally. It feels as though, Sierramanipulated their minds in there. 

On the other side, Sierra shuts the door when Lumine and Paimon got out of their rooms.Sierra was silent while Pantalone is standing behind her.Sierra took a deep breath and tries to calm down. She knows that it's not really Paimon's fault.She's innocent. But she couldn't help but feel mad by the mention of her previous and oldtitle. 

She then holds the necklace she has been carrying for years. Tsaritsa told her, that when Irisdied in the Archon War, she saw the necklace Iris is wearing and she decided to keep it to herforever. And when Iris revived as Sierra, Tsaritsa gave it back to her.

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