Side Story: Guizhong

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He likes her.

He likes her. I've known it for so long. Whenever he looked at Iris, his gaze would always change to soft. I liked Morax for a long time now. Even before Iris arrived at Celestia, I like Morax. His face, his attitude, his golden eyes — his everything.

I didn't dare try to confess my feelings for him because he is an Archon, and I am just a lowly God. I am not powerful unlike him. I always thought we were not both compatible with each other.

Whenever the sunlight illuminates Morax's golden dragon eyes, my heart would always skip a beat. I could only but admire him from afar.


"How are you, Guizhong?" Cloud Retainer suddenly appeared from behind and I gave her a smile.

"Birdie! You're here!" I said trying to tease her.

"Again, with that birdie, Guizhong?" I laugh at her expression.

"Hey, old man! Wait for me!" I flinched as I heard Iris's voice coming from afar trying to chase Morax who was running away from her.

"Stop it! Let me have some privacy!" Morax replied, feeling annoyed.

"Eh?? This is Celestia though. Come on! Are you that scared?" Said Iris while laughing mockingly at Morax.

"Hey uncle Morax~" She calls him again as she keeps on teasing him until he's pissed enough.

I could feel my heart breaking into pieces. Iris is beautiful when she smiles. She also looks so lovely whenever she laughs, I guess that's how Morax fell in love with her at first sight.

I know. I've already known from the start. From the moment that Iris entered our lives. Everything felt at peace. As if we all have forgotten the strict Celestia that's controlling us.

Morax may seem cold and hard as stone, but I know him well. His expressions, his gestures.


"Iris, Morax likes you," I said to Iris when we were both alone walking in Jueyun Karst. Iris chokes the food that she's eating.

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