Side Story: Original "Sierra"

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A/N: this chapter contains violence. Read at your own risk.

Sierra's life is just like those unfortunate families. Born from a poor family, she had 3 siblings. In her childhood years, she sees her family as beautiful. Her mother took care of them while their father would come late at night from work but still plays with them.

A happy normal family.

Sierra is not originally born in Snezhnaya, her birthplace is Sumeru. Everything is normal, she feels content with what she had. But one day, she saw her father cheating with some other woman. She even caught her father making love with his other woman.

Her life went downhill when she saw that. Running away from the scene she saw; she goes back home without shoes on her feet. Her mother saw it and she asked her where were her shoes.

Sierra didn't reply and just cried. She can't tell the truth to her mother — about her father cheating on Mother. Later that night her father came home and a woman's scent lingers in her nose. She instantly covers her nose with a horrified expression on her face.

Her mother felt suspicious after that day. And another day, until the very other day goes by, her mother slowly catches everything up. That her husband is cheating on her and Sierra her daughter can't tell the truth.

She felt devasted by the truth she saw. After that day, Sierra's mother would always nag her father until they ended up fighting.

One unexpected night, her father enters her little sibling's room. It's 12midnight and she feels thirsty so she went downstairs to get some water. She suddenly heard moans and cries from her little sister's voice coming from her room.

Trembling in madness and fear, she hides inside the bathroom still hearing the moans and cries from her little sister. She was 17 at that time.

She's mad because she's the oldest yet she's scared and cowardly to do anything. She's mad at herself for being weak. She clenches her fist while listening to the sounds that made her heart sting with pain.

Every night is like that.

Her parents fight every morning. Her mother cried secretly every afternoon. And every night her father would rape her 3 little siblings. She's mad, she's furious at how things are now.

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