Chapter 4: Partner

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"Oh, he's my partner. Well, not in that kind of way. We're just comrades."


In the middle of hot weather in Inazuma, there we can see Sierra, catching her breath because she just saw Childe and now she lost him, again. She climbed the stairs while she's catching her breath. This is already the third time she lost Childe again. 

"Ugh! Where did that Kid go?!" She said with frustration. She sat down on a rock beside her and catch her breathe first. Sierra saw a fox walking in front of her. Sierra looks at how cute the fox is, it's her first time seeing one of them. Sierra played with the fox a bit and when she realized what time it is, she stood up and say goodbye to the cute stray fox. 

Holding a map in her hands, she looks around when she returned back to Ritou.

"Ugh, it's so hard not to use this body's owner's ability..." She mumbled. Sierra can't use her tracking ability because of the day of the incident. "And this too...! my height is not helping me!" she shouts while she measured her height in the air. She grumbled. 

Her head still hurts but for her sister, she will endure it. The Tsaritsa's plans are magnificent. She will rule this world, and I will rejoice at the faces of the gods when they will be thrown out of heaven.

Sierra look once more at the crowd of people, she asked the people the same question if they ever see a ginger-haired man in his 20's. But none of them can answer Sierra's question. 

Sierra then spotted a traveler who wore an exotic outfit that is not from this world. Sierra realized it'sLumine, the one that Childe always speaks stories from.

'Hmm, so this beautiful traveler here got charmed by our dearest Childe? Oh, how beautiful! The story of forbidden love! Let us celebrate comrades! As our handsome and cold Childe is now in love with this sweet-looking traveler named Lumine!

She celebrates in her mind. 

"Hey! Hello!" Sierra cheerfully greeted the Traveler while waving her map. Lumine and Paimonsaw her and both of them talked to each other. Sierra has the expression of "what-the-heck are-they-talkin'-about" look. Sierra then took a step closer to Lumine and she formally greeted them.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Sierra! If I'm not disturbing you, can I ask you two for something?"Paimon and Lumine looked at each other. 

"Sure, what is it?" Paimon answered. 

"Uhm... do you, by any chance saw a ginger-haired man in his 20's here?" Both Lumine andPaimon look at each other once more. 

"Uh? Is this Childe you were talking about?" Paimon asked while scratching her head.

"Yes! He's the handsome and the scariest yet cool on the battlefield, Tartaglia! The 11th FatuiHarbinger!" She proudly said. 

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