Side Story : 19th Life

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AN: the story about Pantalone is merely fanfiction. Pantalone hasn't been released yet but has been mentioned in the version 2.7 Chasm update. Note that his appearance, attitude, and others are only from the author's imagination and it is not a real model from Hoyoverse.

Pantalone is a greedy man. Everyone knows that obvious fact. But no one knows why he's always greedy. In his childhood, all he could remember is his parents shouting at each other. His father would raise his hands towards his mother, while his mother would cry secretly enduring the pain she had with her husband.

One night, his mother's trembling hands caress the young Pantalone's face. Until then, his mother tried to kill him. He was shocked, of course. Who wouldn't be? When your mother tries to kill you, your father who didn't care about you.

He has no sibling, nor a relative he can lean on. He's alone in this world. One hot summer day, he saw a family that was happily strolling in the streets. He then thought, "what's the feeling of getting loved by someone else?"

He thirsts for something, and so he did everything to have it. He was then noticed by The Tsaritsa who took him in. He's only young yet like an Assassin, he swiftly killed many people. He smiles after he 'clean' them.

But that perspective of him changed when Sierra or Iris entered his life. Sierra is a new member and also a weak one, but The Tsaritsa felt pity for her so she took her in. She's not skilled in any physical activities but she's a genius.

Her intelligence was well used in The Fatui and also The Harbingers. Her intelligence also impressed The Tsaritsa. But then, when a mysterious disease entered Snezhnaya Sierra retired. At first, he saw Sierra as a weak human and wanted to defeat her. He wanted her, but something stops him from doing so.

But when they were rumors about her after weeks of her retirement, that she had died made Pantalone's blood boil, he couldn't understand why.

But after 2 months after Sierra's retirement. She comes back to life as Iris, her soul changed yet her name didn't. She's still Sierra. When the people underestimated her, she then makes use both of her physical and mental knowledge about the world. Which made her enter The Harbingers at ease.

Pantalone was surprised by these events. He couldn't utter a word, but he was interested in the new Sierra. She seems not weak anymore, and something about her wanted him to have her.

But he still didn't do anything, as if carefully looking at the prey he wanted the most. Sierra then became The Shield of The Harbingers and also The Tsaritsa, Pantalone became The Sword of The Harbingers and The Tsaritsa. Both of them protect Snezhnaya and have permission to travel all around the world under Her Majesty's orders.

One morning, Pantalone panting from catching his breath. With his body's visible bruise marks and his 9-pack abs, he catches his breath as soon as he sat down on a rock he saw.

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