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Middle School isn't easy. Middle school is just the start of actual life. The life of betrayal, love, and regret. Now, life isn't great. People change for the better others for the worst, but people also die. And when living in Mineville, well it's just a bit harder. Going to Mineville Middle school, there is a lot of drama that happens. Now as a person who will and most likely do stupid stuff, it's pretty stupid that we deal with this. But I'm thankful for my friends, real of not. Friends are really the thing that keeps us together, and we barely get that here as kids like to backstab their so called "Friends". But people also want to die because of this drama. Many in the world, including myself. So if you reading this, parents or friends. I've done something stupid. And I might like it. So it's either heaven or H£|| for me. But either way, whatever I did, it's something not worth going to heaven but H£|| is very similar to the life we live in.

I'm sorry that I did this stupid thing. But word of advice as my last words,

Live for me, don't mourn for me, forget me.

I'm sorry again, goodbye.

- Grian [Unknown]



Hey guys! So new book!! This was just the prologue and I'm not really happy with it but whateva. So yah more of this will be posted ofc and I need sleep as when I'm posting this, it's 2:10 am. Anyways, yay!

Know that your loved! ❤️

Writer: Star
Editors: Moon

Words: 262

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