Entry Six

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Hey! It's been a day since I last wrote. I kinda forgot my notebook at home so I couldn't write at Stars.. but still. The sleepover was so fun! We played a lot of fun games but I realized something while we were playing.. it's complicated to explain, it never happened before and I don't know what to do.. but anyways! I went somewhere special today.

-Grian [Unknown]
The four and Grian had their sleepover that night and stayed up until 5:27AM. They watched movies the entire night, had pillow fights and even roasted marshmallows. The last one, well they almost burned the house down. The next day happened and everyone had to go home since they had their own things to do.

Grian went home and took a quick shower. He put on a normal green shirt but the same black jeans he always wore. Every Saturday he had always sweet to a special place where he can be the kindest soul he was, but of course with the pinch of chaos. He packed up some stuff like clothes, books and some toys. He walked out the door and locked it. He started walking until he was met with a small building. It read, Sunshine Orphanage.

On Saturday he would visit the orphanage and help out there. He was quite popular with the kids and they absolutely adored them, mostly the ones who love to cause chaos. He walked in and the bell rang. He saw a familiar face at the counter.

"Hey Eddie!" He waved, to which Eddie waved back. Eddie was a 16 year old teen who was doing this as a high school job. He has blond hair tied into a small ponytail, with purple eyes. He had a yellow apron with a sun embodied into it and under it he had a white shirt with jeans. "Hello Grian! You ready, the kids been waiting lol." Eddie laughed. "Yeah, anyone else here beside you and I?" The orphanage didn't have much people there except 6 people, not including Eddie and Grian. "Just Adam and Kathy. Their inside trying to keep the kids from crying. They missed you." He replied back with a sigh. Grian stifled a light and put his bag up and put the same yellow apron with the sun embroidered into like Eddie's.

He grabbed the books from his bag and walked into the play pen. A swarm of children of all ages grabbed at his legs. "Heya guys." He smiled at them, ruffling a child with light brown hair and dark green eyes. "Gri-Gri! Your here, we thought you'd never come." A girls voice spoke, her name was Andrea and she was around 7 and the oldest in the orphanage. "Yeah. Sorry had a thing happening." He laughed as he gave her some books from his bag. "Thanks Gri!" She exclaimed, holding onto the book. "Sup G?" A males voice spoke to him. "Hey Adam, Kathy." She waved to them, taking a seat so the kids can play with him. "Thanks for calming them down." Kathy, who was 15 with light brown hair with red tips and blue eyes. She also wore the Sam etching as Grian the shirt being a crop top with a phrase that said "Don't bother me I wanna sleep" on it. She too was also doing this as a high school Job.

Adam was a 17 year old teen and was almost going to college. He had light brown hair and blue eyes like Kathy. The two were siblings, but he wasn't there for the job he just loved caring for children. "Anyways, it's almost time for their snack so let's get it ready?" Kathy smiled motioning to the kitchen. Grian nodded, the children let go of him knowing they were gonna her some of his delicious food. He saw Andrea in a chair reading the book he had given her. "If you like it, I can give it to you?" He asked her. She only gave him a thumbs up and didn't care to look up at him. That's how much she was invested into the book.

He walked into the kitchen and saw lots of ingredients already laid out for him. "Go ham G." Adam and Kathy said in unison. He lunged to the ingredients and started making multiple foods. He knew that they wouldn't make great food like him during the week and always makes lost of different types just for the week until Saturday. He prepared soup, pasta and some soft food for the babies in the orphanage.

He cut apples, oranges and watermelon, placing them into cups and grabbed yogurt from the fridge. He put it on a bowl, so if some kids wanted fruits by itself or just you hurt by it self. He grabbed tons of spoons and placed them on a large table. He went back to the kitchen and started making sinigang (a Philippine soup that's actually pretty good but a bit sour due to the mixture) he put chicken, vegetables and of course the soup mixture. Cutting up lettuce, carrots, and lastly tamarind. He put them in the pot of boiling mixture soup. He also put in the chicken.

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