Entry Four

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Today was Friday aswell so we got out of class at Noon. I'm excited for the weekends but I'm still wondering what PJ's I want to get at the Mall. eh that is a tomorrow Grian's problem. Dude Grian WHY ARE YOU STILL WRITING ITS 1 IN THE MORNING- Goodnight to whoever reads this.

-Grian [Unknown]
Grian did his normal routine in the morning. Packing himself some delicious pasta and went off to wait for Moon and Star. It took around a minute or three before they came out. They walked to the school. "Next week Sunny and Puppet will join our school!" Star happily announced to them.

"Really! That's so cool!" Grian replied happily at her. "I cant wait for it! Also did anyone pick what animal they wanted?" Moon asked after being cheerful with the good news. "I'm debating whenever a frog or bee.." Star said crossing her arms. "Ima choose a parrot." Grian told them, "I'll do a bee, you do frog." Moon told Star before nudging her slightly.

The school was in sight as they walked in, the bell started to and they rushed to their class. It was still a normal day that day only a few announcements going out saying a test was next week or a event happening in a month or so. Much like Grian, the school seemed to want to have a good schedule and remind everyone that an event was happening a month before hand.

Grian met stayed in the library, going to the nearest hermit telling them where he was to not worry them much. He just wanted to read that day since it was 9 and there classes lasted way longer but had an even longer break. Still just wanted to read though until he heard a soft voice. "Oi Grian! Come here please."

Grian reconsidered the voice and went to help the person, "Jacob? What's the prob?" He asked him and soon Jacob came out wearing a blue basketball jacket and jeans. Not going to lie, Jacob had a huge crush on the boy, another reason why he wanted to be friends with Grian. "I just need help with this question." He pointed to the table with a paper on it. Grian gave him a look of 'it's not even the first month and your failing' face which he gained a sheepish smile.

Grian sighed, "I wanted to read- but instead I'm going to be tutoring a dummy." Jacob gave a huff of annoyance, "How dare you insult me." He put his right hand on his chest and left on his head and swayed dramatically. "Oh shut up you big goofball. Cmon I'll help." Grian smiled at him soon pushing him to the seat. It was a math sheet since Jacob was in 7th while Grian in 6th.

Despite Grian being an grade lower than him he was incredibly smart. The school had offered for him to move up a grade on to be denied by the exact words Grian said, "I want to experience the grade. Plus, I might never get the chance to." They were impressed with his words but they all accepted it nicely.

"So you want to.." Grian started. Jacob blanket out now and then. He had a completely different reason to why he needed help. He just wanted to hang out with him. They normally don't get too since he has basketball practice and soccer practice so school is the only way to actually hang out.

Let's go to the hermits now, shall we?

Back with them they currently had a war going on. Half the group kept shouting saying Volleyball is a sport and that it's really good and better than soccer. The other half seemed to say Soccer was a much better sport and that Volleyball is considered a sport at all. Soon enough they had the entire 5th-8th grade involved in this war. It was a tie and they needed the tie breaker. The nodded and stormed off to the library. They walked in the library and searched for Grian.

Soon they went to the area where computers were and desks were at with kids reading or finishing work. The looked at the corner of the room and saw Grian talking with Jacob. He was holding a pencil and writing stuff down on a piece of paper. He picked it up and showed it to him by shoving it in his face. Joe got a good look at the paper seeing math equations being laid out on it. Ren look red and ready to burst. He could see the mask Jacob had, Jacob was crushing on his Grian.

"Guys Cmon, we'll ask him right now." False told them and she walked off with Xisuma and some others to their table. "Heyyyy Grian!" Doc said putting his hands on the table. "Heya, whatcha need?" Grian asked so innocently making both Ren and Jacob turn away in a blushing mess. "Which is better? Volleyball or Soccer?" Scar told him very loudly. Everyone around them sitting down or not shushed him. "Also! Do you think Volleyball is a sport?" Cub asked also loudly gaining more shush's. Grian looked at them in a face I cannot describe so I'll show you (•-•). "For kids who are mostly in 7th grade, your pretty dumb like Jacob here." Grian chuckled jokingly, the hermits only glared at him which he smirked back.

"Volleyball is a sport, it was in the Olympics too." Grian told them, (I was told that it was in the Olympics by my parents so am I right? Then again- my parents do suck) "Also, I prefer basketball then any of those sports but if I had to choose one, it'll be volleyball. Other than that, both are really good." Grian shrugged at them. All their jaws were open wildly. How did he know more information about sports than, and the hermits hate to admit, Jacob? "If that's all, I need to finish tutoring this dummy." Grian said picking up his pencil which dropped on the floor when he was explaining.

When he bent down to pick it up Jacob gave them all glares and a smug face before shooing them off. The hermits grumbled before leaving, Ren giving Jacob a very anger face that told him to 'back off he is mine'

When Grian got up again he looked around because he didn't get to say goodbye to the hermits. "Grian, Look at me." Jacob told him which Grian obeyed. "Grian I want you to stay away from them." He held both his hands. "Why?" Grian asked. Jacob held on tighter to his hands, "I cant tell you yet." Jacob said and the bell rang. "I'll think about it. But I wanna get to class. I'll help you during lunch okay?" Grian tod him as Jacob let go of his hands.

The day continued off normally, but a strange aura erupted between Jacob and the hermits. Even though they all had a strange one, this one was even stranger.. and it seemed that one boy was innocently behind it all.
Omg finally. Okay so I finally did it after 12 days. I worked on this since July 3rd, and it's July 15th so it's been a 12 day break since I worked on it. Anyways I'm just glad this cam out how I like it. With a splash of plot and a hint of my writing. Have a great day/night/afternoon.

Writer: Puppet
Editor: Sunny

Words: 1256

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