Entry One

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At the age of 11, it's kinda bad to live by yourself, huh? Well. Why am I writing in my journal? Is it because I want everyone to know what my life was like? Heh not like I'm living in a book! Hahaha.. yeah. I do hope my parents actually come back for me. Abandoning a child at the age 9.. not good. But the last memory I've remembered from them, was that they had to leave as they had an important business trip. And of course, that was 2 years ago... I miss em, but life is life. And life sucks.

-Grian [Unknown]




Most kids have the same routine in the morning. Wake up, eat, change then go to school.

Not for Grian. He would wake, change, and then cook his lunch as he learned how to cook since he was 9. He always sees kids in their parents cars, driving to school. He kinda wishes that his parents actually took care of him. They left him alone once he turned 9. His aunt had took care until the age 11.

And now, at the age 11, Grian is now taking care of himself. He can handle though. By lying isn't his specialty. He can't lie all the time where his parents are. Saying all the time that they are traveling out of the city, isn't gonna work all the time.

But enough speaking. Let's go onto reality. Grian was walking his way to school. Catching up to his friends, Star and Moon. Both being besties since kindergarten. They met Grian when he transferred here form England in 3rd grade.

Now star is quiet sometimes outgoing and a bit insecure about her body. Moon is very outgoing, and is like the mom of the Sky trio.

Whilst in the mist of walking to school, Moon was talking about how she had a theory that the Moon will fall from the sky one day. Despite being her the oldest, she has the mind of a 6 year old.

Star was listening just a bit but was reading a book called "Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos Library" Grian was paying attention to both his friends, watching star so she doesn't go onto the road, and listening to Moon blabber.

About the time they got to the school, the first bell rang signally that there is only 5 minutes till class was going to start. Star quickly put her book away, "sorry! Gotta go don't wanna be late again. BYEEEEE" she said running off. The two said goodbye and also headed to class.

Grian made it to class on time. First was English which he he liked. They were learning about persuasive writing, knowing that he will use it to persuade his friends to believe him. Grian was also very smart in this part of class as he only pays attention. Others not so much. 35 minutes later it was time for recess.

"Hey scar! Hey Pearl!" Grian yelled. He saw the two coming out of the classroom. "Hey G!!" "Wassup" Scar and Pearl said. In the group he was invited to, he was the youngest being 11 years old the youngest though.

Scar, Grian, and Pearl were talking about the new musical that's going on in March. "Apparently it's going to be a Disney movie, I think Lion king?" Scar said proudly. He was a very big musical fan and a Disney fan.

They kept talking till they were hallways towards the benches and right next to the library. "This is my stop! I'll meet you there soon." Grian said before entering the library. "Race ya?" Pearl asked. Scar didn't even answer he just ran. "HEY YOUR CHEATING!!" She yelled as she ran after him. They soon reached their destination.

"Hallo guys." A Swedish person voice said being Iskall. "Hi." Scar replied as Pearl was catching her breath. "Where G?" Ren said not bothering to say hi. But Ren had a tiny bit of a secret. He liked Grian, not a friend ship way, but never expressed his feelings.

"Said he was- gonna get books." Pearl said stopping to catch her breath still. "Ahhh okay." Stress said. "Anyone have the feeling G is avoiding us?" Mumbo blurb out. "Uhh.. I don't know.." False said. "Well, he has been going in to the library often." Tango pointed out. "No, I mean in English class we have a reading log. We gotta read 2000 pages. Getting a head start." Xisuma said.

Mumbo sighed, I'm being over protective aren't I? "I'm being protective aren't I?" Mumbo asked. "Nope! You being the right over protective!" A voice hugged Mumbo. Mumbo yelped and turned around. "Don't scare me like!" Mumbo said holding his heart. "Nahhhh" Grian said.

They started to luagh, "what book you got Grian?" Ren asked. Doc nudged him knowing his little secrets. "Heh Sherlock Holmes." Grian giggled. Ren turned away. Oh god he is so cute- "your not gonna bring Sherlock Grian back, right??" Mumbo asked.

"No. Well maybe." He replied.

"Who is Sherlock Grian? Wait- DO YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!" Xisuma yelled. "No. When me and Mumbo were very little, he used to hide my things. I would find them instantly. His mom called me Sherlock Grian." Grian said. Mumbo was laughing very hard. "And and- when we first learned to read.. He started reading the books." Mumbo laughed hysterically. They all started giggling and laughing.

"Oooopppp ima go- class is gonna start and I need to put my books away. See ya later!!" Grian yelled. He ran off to the class and went to his locker.

"Wassup Bookworm." A voice called out from the other side of the hallway. "Sup soccer boy." Grian replied. He didn't even bother to look up.

"Haha very funny." The voice came closer and closer. "Hi Jacob." Grian said as he finally finished putting his books away. "Hey G." He replied.

Now, Jacob was a sports kinda person. But he was over protective of him. He also has some tension with the hermits.. which Grian is apart of. But Jacob accepts Star and Moon as he thinks they are pretty funny and nice.

"Get your books Jay, you'll need em." Grian said as he leaned on his locker door. "Wait for me here." Jacob said. He ran to his locker. But he then he stopped. "Jacob.." A voice called out. He started into their eyes.

"Hercraps.." Jacob said. Now the hemrits were staring face to face with their biggest nemesis.





YOOOOOOOO! Moon edited this entire thing!! Uh so yah. I might've fractured my ankle?? I cant walk. So yes but all in all I'm fine. Also this was pretty long and not cringy. I have the ENTIREE book write out so this book is about 15 chapters not including the prologue. Anyways. Byeeeeeee!

Writers: Star
Editors: Moon

Word Count: 1130

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