Entry Two

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I am set for the rest of my life. Only Star and Moon know why I lived alone. Their family cares for me when they have time which I'm thankful for. I'm still set for life even when they aren't there. I took a cooking class, I use my parents "extra money" to buy things I essentially need. But hey! I'm turning 12 soon, that's exciting! Oh yes! I met two new people. They are also friends with Star and Moon, moved back to the neighborhood. Welp I got to go to school now, why am I writing..

-Grian [Unknown]
Grian woke up on a nice Tuesday morning. He made his lunch, and got ready for school. Living alone isn't all that bad once you used to it. He walked outside hearing the birds chirp, the cars rolling by with kids, and the door shutting. He looked to his side and saw both Star and Moon running up to him from separate houses. "Hey G!!" Moon exclaimed. Star waved at the strawberry blonde boy. He smiled and waved back.

"Soooo, my mom is getting off work early. She said that she had someone to pick up. But then also promised me some sweet tea.." Star gladly said. "Wait wait, who she picking up?" "Yeah, it's welded of she is picking up a random stranger." Both asked. Star shrugged. "Don't know, though she did say it was someone we knew." She pointed at Moon.

"Would I perhaps know them?" Grian asked. "Hmm well I don't think so. She said it was when we first met." Star pointed to herself and Moon. Grian shrugged it off and they then started to talk about how in science they will be learning about Mushrooms, which Moon was pretty excited for.

When they had gotten there, it was around 7:50, so they had time to talk before getting into class. They all went to their lockers to get everything they needed later talking about things, like "ships" not meaning the boats and stuff, but like relationships. When Grian left, both Star and Moon looked at each other. Both knowing what their next ship that had to sail needs to be. They giggled and glanced at Ren who was talking to Grian with Mumbo. They burst out laughing and Gri glanced at them, " You Good Star and Moon?" "P-perfectly fine G" the two couldn't contain there laughter.

Grian went over to them, "y'all better not be thinking bad-" "Don't worry Dadian" Moon snorted. Grian scrunched up his face and left the two alone. "God these children.." Grian mumbled as he passed the confused Ren and Mumbo. He grabbed his stuff and left the hallway. The two confused people looked at Grian then back to the other two, which had now disappeared. They would of heard and seen them leave, they only turned around for a second as well. Okay well that was weird.. they both thought, but shrugged it off and left to class.

During break, Grian was no where to be found. They suspected him to be at the library. But he wasn't there checking every nook and cranny, inch and foot. They went back outside and sat down. "Do you think Gri is avoiding us?" Mumbo questioned. "I actually feel that way as well.. he knows things we don't." Ren added. "Didn't you ask that question like, yesterday?" Doc looked at them. "Yes but-" "you know the answer already. Plus Star and Moon, they are apart of the Yearbook club with me. They are pretty nice and funny." Joe pointed out.

Both Mumbo and Ren sighed. The two knew something and they were going to find out what. First they would need a bit more information about the two. "I guess I'll take your word." Ren had just lied right in front of everyone's faces. They continued to talk, Stress asking everyone if they wanted to go to the Mall next week. Most saying agreeing others saying no because of homework or tests. They headed to their lockers, they haven't seen Grian since this morning and didn't get to speak to him properly.

When going up the stairs, each of them heard a voice, "You killed him!" Xisuma being the one in front rushed up and can see 3 people. One clutching the wall giggling slightly, the other sitting on the floor near the lockers, and lastly one they recognized, Grian was in the floor. Each of them laughing like a maniac. "What happened here?"

HAPPY LATE APRIL FOOLS!! It's not over don't worry! I wanted to post this on April 1st, but it was hectic with school, our musical, and my cousins birthday (Polar).
False had asked what was going on, which one had said, "God ima throw up!" They ran out the hallway to the girls bathroom. The suddenly burst of laughing again. Grian trying to stand up but failing multiple times. "Grian?" "Yes?" He replied. "Uhh, who was dying?" Cleo suspiciously asked smiling widely. "Oh no one died, well unless you count Grian dying from laughter then." The girl who was clutching on the wall pointed out. "She didn't ask you." Doc rolled his eyes, he didn't seem to trust her just yet.. The red head girl scanned the area, "Look, I'm clearly not wanted here so ima go. See ya Gri!" She left the hallway, and once out of sight Joe stated to lecture Doc on manners.

"Hey G-" Iskall started until the bell rang which a lot of kids rushed up the stairs. Most of the hermits were tall so they didn't get run over, but Grian tried to make it out to his classroom being first like always. "See! I'm telling you, he is avoiding us!" Ren and Mumbo screamed once everyone else had left. "I mean, teh bell rang and you know how he likes being early." Cub shrugged and headed off. They continued normally, and Grian hanged for a bit with his friends (hermits) which relived Rens and Mumbos stress of him avoiding them.

At the end of the day, Grian walked home with Star and Moon. Grian knowing he didn't want to go e over at his home alone decided to go with Star and Moon to Stars home, which the mystery guests were. Upon getting there they say a blue and black car parked outside. Star opened the door with the spare key and they all walked inside. "Ma! I'm home, G and M are here!" "Okay, come to teh living room!" Her mother replied back. After leaving there stuff at the door way and walking into the hall way, they say two other women and two other men in the house along with two boys cuddling.

One boy noticed them and screamed with the night duo,



Oooooo! This was posted in the morning and it felt very cringe in the morning. I made the ending while Star made the beginning. It's not edited, plus we needed rest. This entire week (as you know) will be busy and tiering so we took a while. Anyways, Happy late April fools day!! Welp that's all and I wanted to say have a great rest of you week (We definitely won't).

Writers: Puppet and Star
Editors: None

Words: 1214

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