Entry Five

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I feel bad for ignoring the hermits. Ive been doing it for an hour and it already hurts. Jacob still hasn't told me why i have to stay away. Im writing during lunch, hiding away in corner. I wanna talk to them! Its not that Star and Moon are boring, it just gets tiring always staying with them. Sorry Guys! But i think they think the same way. :c

-Grian [Unknown]
It was still Friday, Grian was waiting for the end of the day to go buy things a few things he would need for the few weeks and the new PJ's for the Sleepover they were going to have over the weekend. He sat in the corner of secluded area with a notebook in hand with a pencil aswell. Grian had told Jacob where he was going to be at and waited there. He saw some hermits walk by and he knew at least one of them had seen him and told the rest because he could see the shadows of people coming towards him.

He quickly got his bag, packed everything up by stuffing his notebook into the bag and adding his lunch pail after. He zipped everything up but only saw that they all approached him and greeted the young boy. He stopped all movements and held his bag close to his chest. "Grian are you okay?" Scar kneeled on the floor and watched him stop breathing for a second. Grian didn't look up and stared at his backpack. He quickly stood up and pushed his way out of the small group.

The hermits watched as they saw the youngest was leaving them and didn't say goodbye or hello to them all. "You think he okay? He wasn't acting like this an hour ago." False sighed crossing her arms. "Im not sure. But something tells me it has something to do with Jacob." Xisuma's replied back with a hint of anger in his voice. "Are you sure X?" Doc looked at him anxiously, "We're sure of it." Mumbo and Ren said together, already knowing the suspicious activity between The Night Duo and Grian. "Maybe give him space? I mean technically he could be stressing about some random crap." Jevin shrugged, Wels whispering a "Language."

With Grian, he texted Jacob that he would be in the library to help with homework. Jacob replied with a Okay and a heart. Grian thought that he meant heart as a "thank you for using your time to help me" type of heart. He shook that off and started to think about the hermits. I was being to harsh wasn't I.. I didn't mean to! I mean Jacob said to ignore them. Grian grabbed his hair in frustration, he started tugging on his hair until a few strands came loose.

He continued walking to the library and grabbed a quick book. He sat down at a table and started to read. He was a few pages in until a grunt was heard. Grian looked up and saw Jacob waving at him. "Hey. Are you ready for me to tutor you dummy?" Grian smugly looked at Jacob who sighed in defeat. "Yes I am. But your the only one who can call me a dummy." Jacob spoke, he sat down next to Grian and pulled out his math book.

"So first you want to.." Grian pointed at the questions on his math book, Jacob stared in awe at how Grian can do 7th Grade math. What the two didn't notice was the hermits watching from the window. "Zedaph! I cant see. What are they doing?" Tango exclaimed, he was pushed all the way to the back and sadly he wasn't really tall like Mumbo nor X. "They are just doing homework Tango." Impulse scooted over so Tango could see.

A random kid walked past them and grabbed a book. They turned around and saw eyes, they backed away slowly with their book. "Ahem." A voice grunted behind them. Beef turned around and saw Star and Moon crossing their arms at them. He elbowed Xisuma who also turned around after contact was made. "OOOooooOh heyyyy." He spoke, hoping everyone would see who was being them all. "Lol, What are you doing?" Moon asked them in a playful manner.". "Nothing." False blurted out.

The two looked at each other, giving each other the look of "They are definitely spying on Grian" and "I know, I wanted to see if they would lie" faces. "Well have fun spying on Grian." Star giggled, the hermits give the two shocked expressions. Star  looking next to her left. "Oh hey Grian! We need to talk about going to the Mall tonight!" Star called out, Moon following close behind.On the left stood Grian and Jacob. They mustve finished tutoring or something. Mumbo looked at Grian, Grian looking at all the hermits. Jacob seemed to look at them too and put his hand around Grians shoulder. Grian turned to face Jacob and they started talking.

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