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3rd Person's POV

La Squadra members were in the car, going to the restaurant they had planned to go to. "Risotto can you put on some music? It's getting a bit boring" Melone commented, working on his laptop. "Why did you bring that with you?" Prosciutto asked to the purple haired male. "I don't know honestly, when we get there can I leave it in the car trunk?" He responded pointing at the laptop. "Okay, just don't leave it in sight, we don't want someone trying to steal it" Risotto suddenly joined the conversation.

Compared to a normal day, today the gang was pretty quiet. "Has someone died or something? Because this looks like a funeral not gonna lie" Formaggio kind of joked. "I've seen funerals that were more cheerful than this" Ghiaccio sighed loudly. "Can I put music please?" Melone pleaded again. "I kinda want to hear music too" Pesci added. "I really don't know what type of music you're all into but I already have the cable" Y/N proudly said.

Risotto smiled slightly at this while he remembered when they both were hearing songs in the car while going to the grocery store. "I accept requests tho, I'm not that cruel" She stated, a bright smile on her face. "But obviously, when I get tired of my own music" The rest of the members sweated slightly. "Just put music, nothing too explicit please" Prosciutto said. "You kind of sound like a boomer sometimes, so just to piss you off I'm gonna put metal" Y/N answered smirking. "Uh I like that" Risotto said, looking at the girl.

Reader's POV

I decided to put Psychosocial by Slipknot because, why not? As the guitar riff started I could feel myself getting quite excited. "This song is fucking amazing" I said moving my hands as if I was playing the guitar. "Gotta agree with you in that, even when I don't hear this type of music" Formaggio said, setting the song's tempo with his foot. "I'm not going to put just metal don't worry" I responded. "Who the fuck woke me up with this?!"

Oh fuck.

"Sorry Illuso, I didn't knew you were sleeping, since you're kind of in the back and everything..." I defended myself. "But hey, look at the best part, it wasn't a Rickroll!" I joked smiling awkwardly. "That's true" Melone added, pointing to me.

We continued our way, conversating a bit, hearing some songs... Basically vibing. I was enjoying it a lot, getting to know my teammates and all of that.

"We're going to arrive in 5 minutes more less" Prosciutto said, looking at everyone. "Then last song, I don't want my phone battery to die" I said, scratching my cheek. "I'm getting hungry, glad we're arriving" Illuso added.

3rd Person's POV

The gang's members entered the restaurant. It was very big and fancy, very movie like. "This is beautiful! I've never been in a restaurant like this before" The new member exclaimed. "We come here often, you'll get used to it" Illuso commented, yawning a bit. "Still sleepy?" Formaggio said teasingly. "Ugh, shut up cheese man" Illuso barked back. "Keep quiet, don't break the relaxing aura" Prosciutto said, clearly annoyed.

"La Squadra? Good evening to all of you" A guy which seemed to be a waiter asked. "Hello Fiorenzo, long time we don't see. We booked a table for today's evening" Risotto answered. "Follow me" Fiorenzo kindly added.

(A/N: short ik but I wanted to give y'all a bit of content. also, ty so much for all the support on this story, I really don't deserve it <33 hope y'all have a good day/night ^^)

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