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Info about the stand user:

Name: Baldassare De Luca

Stand: Custer

Stand ability: Baldassare can make perfect clones of himself without any restriction.


now, we can continue with the story

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now, we can continue with the story

Risotto's POV

We now more information about we're getting into. That's actually a very good sign. But after the conversation with my gangmates I decided to research more about this mysterious guy on my own.

Thanks to some of my contacts I found out that Baldassare's gang leader was throwing a party in some days near Rome.

'If we can get into the party without getting recognized we can get a lot of information about the gang's plans and maybe find out why they're so obssesed with us' I pondered.

As I turned my back to leave the room I found Y/N resting on the door frame.

"You found out about something?" She asked, approaching me.

"Baldassare's gang. They are doing a party this saturday evening-" "You want to get in to get as much information as possible, am I wrong?" She interrupted me. "Not at all, I think it's a great opportunity for us. The problem is getting in there without them noticing..."

"Did you like dressing up as characters as a kid?" She innocently asked. "Why would u ask that?" "I can make costumes with my stand, we can disguise ourselves" That's actually a good idea.

"Did not think about that..." I confessed. "Well, who were you planning to send to the party?" "The less, the better. With two people it would be fine, Melone for sure will go for communication" I explained. "I see... Makes sense for sure".

She stood there for some seconds, staring at nothing in particular.

"What are you planning?" I asked. "Maybe we can get the whole squad in, but I'm thinking how to do so..." "The costumes for sure will be part of the plan, but do not try to include me in it" "Why?" She questioned, almost inmediatly.

"My eyes" "What about them?" She's kind of oblivious at times... Or maybe she fakes it? I don't know.

"They're a very characteristic feature of mine. I'm sure that if they notice my black scleras the plan will fail" I told her. "You know something called contact lenses right?" She asked, smiling a bit.

I froze a bit. I did not think of that at all.

"Didn't cross my mind" I added, a bit embarassed. "Well, have you done research about the party? There are some where u have to fake the ticket" "I was about to do so..." "Ok then, I'll not bother you anymore. Good luck" She then left the room.

I still do not understand why I get so nervous around her man...

Reader's POV

As I left Risotto's room I went to the living room since I was kind of bored. "When we'll get into some action. It'll be so freaking cool dude" I said to myself, smirking a bit.

"Did you say something Y/N?" Don't tell me...

"Oh, hello Melone. How are you man?" I tried to change the subject before it was too late. "Very fine actually, how about you?" 'Glad he's following the conversation...' "Very fine as well, but kind of bored y'know? Investigation can be very boring at times" "Yeah, yeah. Very tiring" 'Is he mocking me?!'.

"Well, today it's my turn to cook so I have to get going" I nodded at him. "Another thing, don't talk alone in the hallway, you'll look like a crazy woman" I'm gonna crash that man's head like a fucking mosquito dude.

When he left I breathed deeply, deciding to go back to my room and maybe play some videogames.

As I sat down on my desk and putted on my headphones I felt someone watching me.

I turned my head and found Ghiaccio staring at my monitor.

"You play League of Legends?" Was all he asked. I blushed a bit, not expecting him so close.

"Yeah I do, I'm not in high elo but I still enjoy it" "That's nice. I also played not so long ago actually" "REALLY?!?" "Yeah, but I stopped when I joined the gang" "That's so cool!"

Finding out that one of your coldest (literally) gangmates shares something with you is really nice.

We both started talking about the game and I found out that his peak rank was Master and that he mained Sion.

"Master?!?! My peak rank is plat dude!" I exclaimed, pouting a bit. "That's not bad actually, who do you main?" He asked. "Oh, I play all the lanes so I don't  have a main as such" I answered, smiling. "That's nice. I have a good computer here in the base, so I can install the game again and we can play tonight if you want..."

"I would love to Ghia!" He blushed crimson. "I've told you a thousand times to not call me like that!" And there he is, normal Ghiaccio. I laughed hardly at his reaction.

"Food's ready!" Melone suddenly yelled from the kitchen. I looked at Ghia in the eye and smiled genuinely. "Let's go!"

(A/N: AYOOOOOOOOO, kind of chaotic chapter but I like it. btw in league master is the third highest rank so yeah... i really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! after several months of not updating this at all... but yeah. hope you enjoyed it <33)

- andy

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