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Reader's POV

As I and the rest sat down on the table, Melone served us a spaghetti marinara plate that smelt godly. 

"I hope they're not poisoned" I said jonkingly, trying to piss him off. "Well, you'll have to try them to figure it out" He responded, sticking his tongue out. I chuckled slightly at his answer.

I took a bit of spaghetti in my mouth, tasting them. 'I have to admit that they aren't bad at all. In fact, they are quite delicious'.

"Heyo, I'm not dead! And your cooking has improved, I'll not get a stomach ache again because of your expired home-made yogurt" Melone simply glared at me. 

Formaggio, who was next to me, couldn't hold back his laugh. 

"Hey! They weren't expired! Maybe your used-to-gourmet-food stomach couldn't handle my familiy's recipe!" Melone tried to defend that yogurt with his whole life and that was funny but cute at the same time.

"Okay yogurt-man, then explain why we all had diarrhea for at least 2 weeks" Now it was my turn to laugh. 

In the corner of my eye I spotted Melone blushing slightly, Formaggio bitting his lip to not let out a laugh and Illuso smirking pridefuly at his joke.

"Yogurt-man?!?!?!?" I said wheezing hard. Soon both Formaggio and Illuso were both wheezing with me.

After some seconds Prosciutto coughed to interrupt us. "As much as I agree with their statements" He gave us a quick glare since we were still holding back our laughs. "I think that these are not the manners to-" 

"Mama? Is that you?" I interrupted him, starting to wheeze again. 

Since I was too distracted laughing with Illuso and Formaggio I didn't notice Prosciutto approaching me in a menacing way.

"Brother relax! She's just teasing you!" Pesci tried to stop him. 

"Sometimes I doubt if you guys are just kids trapped in an adult body on god" Ghiaccio commented, rubbing his temples. "We're just having fun Ghia" "Prosciutto literally has you grabbed by the collar?!" 

"Guys" Risotto suddenly intervened, his deep voice alerting everyone in the room and somehow creating peace between us. 

"I hoped that for once we could've had a normal conversation while having a meal, not the case I see. Well, I have to discuss with y'all over a serious matter".

Risotto explained more less what he told me earlier this morning.

"Y/n will use Personal Jesus to make costumes for us, contact lenses and wigs included. Just act like you went to the party to have fun and try to collect as much information as possible about the gang. Got it?".

After Risotto's "speech" they all got out of the dining room, leaving Melone and I alone.

He was washing the dishes and I was sitting down near him.

"By the way, you know that everything I say is just to tease you, right? If you feel uncomfortable just tell me, okay?" I said, approaching to his side. "Don't worry really" "I'm just afraid I'll hurt you guys, it's fine if you don't like recieving that type of jokes" The purple-haired male suddenly got his arms around me, giving me a reasuring hug.

"I really don't mind, don't overthink it" Was all he said.

Melone's POV

That hug was purely intuitive, but I don't regret it. Feeling her against my body is even addictive. 

"I understand that is how your personality is, don't change it for anyone else. But you're not even that bad, you wanted to set boundaries" I took her face in my hands, looking at her in the eye.

She gave me a genuine smile, even when her eyes where full of tears. She genuinely doesn't want to hurt people, she's just impulsive.

I wish I could tell her everything I feel for her to make her feel better, but I'm just a simple coward with a crush.

I wasn't even thinking when I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Now I was embarrased.

She looked at me surprised by my sudden move.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to do that" I apologised, my face red in heat. "Don't worry..." I quickly gave space between us. She glazed to anywhere but me.

"Well, I have to go. See ya later" She said as she left the room.

I quietly watched her leave, resting my body against the counter.

Only if she knew...

(A/N: HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, hello guys! hope you enyojed this chapter. the following chapters will be more of y'all my precious readers interacting with your favorites <33 kind of a short chapter ik but I think it's enough. have a great day/night and remember to drink water my beauties ^^^)

- andy

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