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Your POV

When we entered to the hideout we found Prosciutto and Pesci on the kitchen. "Good morning Y/N, good morning Risotto" Prosciutto said. 'It's reallly weird seeing Prosciutto in a pajamas, he's already dressed when I wake up' I tought. "Good Morning Pros" I said waving my hand at the man. Risotto left the bag with the things that we bought and took out all the things out of the bag. "Can I help you?" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Ok" He responded stoically. 'He's on his stoic manner again' I smiled a bit. 

While I was putting the products on its respective place, Pesci approached me. "Hey Y/N, could you give me the milk? So you don't have to save it to then me to take it again" He said while pocking my shoulder. "Ok Pesci, here you have" I added while giving the milk to the short man.

Some minutes later, all the gang was in the kitchen, preparing their respectives breakfasts and talking a bit. I was calmly sipping my coffee cup while reading some anime news on the internet, I read one about "Jujutsu Kaisen" that talked about the new anime being really popular and deserving all the hype that it's getting. 

'I think I'm going to watch it later' I tought while raising my head. "Hey Risotto, when is our next mission?" Formaggio said with some food on his mouth. "First of all, please, don't talk with food in your mouth, and secondly, right now the Boss hasn't told me if we have any mission, so I was planning to us going to a restaurant tonight" Risotto answered. "Is there any specific reason to go out tonight?" Ghiaccio harshly asked.

"No, there isn't, I only thought it was nice to go out as a team" The capo said. "I like that idea Risotto" I added with a genuine smile. "I agree with you both, much time has passed since we had some time together" Prosciutto added.

We all finished having breakfast shortly after, so I decided to go to my room to watch the anime "Jujutsu Kaisen". I took my Akatsuki blanket and I wrapped it around me. Suddenly, Formaggio entered my room. "Yo!" I said raising my hand. "Yo!" He returned the gesture. "What are you doing?" "I'm watching a new anime, it became really popular so why not?" I said smiling. "Can I join you? I'm pretty bored and I don't know what to do" "Of course!". Formaggio sat next to me and I played the chapter. So far my favorite character is Gojou. We finished the 13 chapters that were out. "Wow, this anime is so cool, I can wait for the next chapter!" I said raising my hand.

"Yeah! I don't watch anime but it's really cool" Formaggio added his opinion. "I'm glad you liked it!" I smiled while ruffling the boy's hair. I turned off the TV and looked at my clock, it was six in the afternoon. "I think I should go and dress up, it's already six o'clock" I said pouting a bit. The truth is that I'm not used to dress up really fancy, but the situation requires it...

"You're right, I'll do the same" Formaggio said while he got out of my room. I went to my closet and took out a red suit, a black blouse and a pair of black boots and added a simple makeup to the outfit.

"I like the result!" I smiled at my figure in the mirror while doing some random poses. "OI Y/N!!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT GHIA?!" "I TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME THAT!!" I laughed a bit. "THE THING IS, ARE YOU READY?!" "YES! I'M READY!" "SHUT UP ALREADY!" Illuso yelled from the other room.

I got out of my room an meet the gang in the living room. "Yo, where are we going?" I questioned. Risotto, who was a bit distracted locked his eyes with mine, but quickly looked away. "It's a restaurant near here which has a pretty good service and great food, I'm sure you'll like it" He responded. "Oh nice, so what are we leaving now or?" I added. "We were waiting for you actually" Prosciutto said, a light chuckle escaping his lips. "Oh, sorry about that" I apologised. "No problem Y/N, usually Illuso takes even longer" Pesci joked. "Hey! That's not true" Illuso growled. "Could you guys stop fighting? I'm getting hungry" Melone interrupted. "Yeah, for once I agree with him" Ghiaccio said. "Well, let's get going then" Risotto added, sighing a bit.

(A/N: sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others, but most of it was written last year lol, so if you see a lot of changes in how I write i'm sorry. i hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next one :D)


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