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Y/N's Pov

"WHAT?! I'm not going to be on a team" "You can't refuse, these are direct orders from the Boss" Doppio answered me. "But, why? I work better alone!" I said glaring a bit to Doppio. "I know Y/N, but the Boss says that it will be better if you got in La Squadra, they're powerful stand users and have got one of the best ranks in Passione" Doppio smiled at me making my expression soften and turning it into a soft smile.

"Well, I'll go..." I chuckled and Doppio's smile grew wider. "Ok! Then pack your things, you're going to their mansion tomorrow!" "TOMORROW!?" I yelled. "Yeap" He said. "Could you help me? I have tons of things on my room" I said, scratching the back of my neck. "Of course!". Doppio rushed to my room and helped me with my things.

"Are you going to take your anime posters?" Doppio said. My cheeks turned crimson. I was a closed weeb and Doppio was the only one that knew it. "Well, I hope they don't enter into my room" We both laughed.

One hour later we weren't done, there were still a lot of suitcases because of my anime merch, hope they don't suspect anything... I looked at my phone and it was 8 p.m. "Hey Doppio" He raised his head. "What do you need?" He said. "You can go back home, I'll finish by myself, but thanks for your help!" "No problem Y/N!". He opened the door and got out of my room and left me alone with a lot of thoughts on my mind, what if they're rude like the people of my school?


Another day in my school, nothing really important hapenned, it was a normal day like any other, no one talked to me and I only got glares and whispering. A rumor about me hurting my "best friend" physically and mentally was in my high school and I was a loner. "Look! That's the freak that abused Andreana!" (A/N: Just a random name, also sorry if your name is Andreana, then change the girl's name :P) "Really? I think it's better to not approach her then" They both started to laugh histerically while I wanted to kill them.


I was 15 by that time, I ended killing that boys at the end of the day, hopefully no one noticed I killed them. I burnt their bodies and threw the knife I used to a waterfall that was very far away. Then, 5 years later, when I was 20, I heard about a mafia called Passione that catched my attention, so I decided to go and make the access test. That's how I obtained my stand, Personal Jesus.

I smiled remembering everything and realized that I zooned out for 5 minutes straight. 'I think that they're not going to be like that, they're mature adults, or at least I think so' I thought. Then I opened the bathroom door to have a shower before going to sleep.

The water was not hot, but it wasn't cold either. I decided to wash my hair, then I remebered that Doppio didn't say when I was going to meet La Squadra, so as soon as I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my body and another one around my hair.

I picked up my phone and dialed Doppio's number. "Hey Y/N!" Doppio said. "Hey Doppio! I have a question" I exclamed. "What is it? Did something happen when I left?" He said in a worried tone. "Nono, don't worry, I simply had a question. When are we going to La Squadra's mansion?" I said rubbing my cheek with my finger. "I'll pick you up at 11 a.m" He said. "Ok Doppio, I'll see you tomorrow then!" "Goodbye!". I putted on my pijama and I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling and falling asleep.

I woke up with the sunlight going through my eyelids. I looked at the clock, it was 8 a.m. "Why did I woke up this early?" I though. I sat on my bed and I took some clothes that I left on my desk and then hen I went to the kitchen to have breakfast. 

While I was eating I received a call, it was Doppio. "Good morning Y/N!" He said. "Hi Doppio! What do you need?" I questioned. "I was wondering if you slept well" "Yes I did! And you?" "Me too, also, did you finish with packing your things yesterday?" "SHIT, I forgot!" I hung up and ran into my room and finished packing my things. I looked at the clock again, now it was ten to eleven. Then I sat on my bed, moving out is very stressful. Then I heard the doorbell.

I opened the door revealing a smiling Doppio. "Are you ready?" He said. "Yes! I'm going to take my things then" "Let me help you". Five minutes later we were heading to my new home. "Wow Y/N, you have a lot of anime merch!" He chuckled while I blushed a bit.

We arrived to a house with a lot of grafitti's outside. "You told me that they lived in a mansion, not in a house nearly falling apart" We chuckled in unison. "Remember, don't judge a book by it's cover" He said. We got the things out of the car and he turned his body to face me and hugged me, I was shocked at first but I hugged him back. 

"Remember to call me if you have any problem, I have to go now, hope you get along with them" He said smiling. "I promise" I smiled back. Doppio leaved and I stood up in front of the door, not knowing what I'll found behind it.

(A/N: And this is the first chapter of this story! Sorry if I had any mispelling, I'm not English! I'll try to update this when I can too! Until the next time!)


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