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Reader's POV

We're going to ignore what just happened with Melone.

But I have to admit that recieving some love every once in a while isn't that bad.

But he's my gangmate?!

I sighed deeply. "I should go and try to clear my mind". Then it hit me.

I remebered that Ghiaccio said that he would download League tonight to play with me.

I grinned playfuly, knowing my next destination.

Ghiaccio's POV

"Ghiaaaa~" NOT HER AGAIN.

"What the hell do you want Y/N?!" I responded. She got painfully close to me, her finger buried in my chest.

"Do you remember what you told me earlier?~" Why is she talking in that teasing tone? It's driving me nuts.

"You mean League? I've thought of it and I think that I get angry a lot-".

"Two things. In the one hand, I already assumed you were the type of player to get angry at everything honestly. And in the other hand, I pretty much don't care, I also tilt a lot" She said interrupting me.

"Okay then, give maybe an hour and then we can play" I added, trying to avoid her puppy eyes. "Yay! Thank you Ghia! I already take mid" She playfuly added, sticking her tongue out.

I found myself getting flustered at my interaction with Y/N. 'C'mon Ghiaccio. Don't fall like the rest of your gangmates did'.

Reader's POV

Since I had to wait for a while until Ghiaccio finished installing the game I decided to go to the living room in search for something to do.

As I entered the room I found Prosciutto sitting in one of the armchairs we had reading a book.

"What are you reading if you don't mind me asking?" He seemed surprised by the sudden interaction. "Nothing too interesting. I found it there on the shelves" "May I see what the tittle is?" I lean a bit into his seating form. 

Prosciutto's POV

I blush a bit when she closes the distance between us. "Of course" I give her the book and our fingers brush against each other's for a mere second. She takes the book in her hands and eyes it suspiciously. 

"This is the whole Twilight saga in one book? Why do we have this in here?" She chukles while glancing at me. "You looked very invested in it~" "It's not like I had anything better to do..." I try to excuse myself while crossing my arms around my chest. "Didn't know that an assasination team had interest in teenage fanfic-like romance stories"

I glare at her.

"Just kidding, i don't judge ham-man" She winks her eye at me. "Oh well, then how do you know that Twilight looks like a teenage fanfic romance story?" I tilt my head to the side a bit. She blushes suddenly. "N-Nothing in particular" She covers her face with her hands.

I chuckle. "I'm joking, i'm not judging as well" I pat her hair. "Doesn't seem like that to me Pros" "I already told you to not call me like that-" "Make me shut up then~" Now it was my turn to get confused. "What?"

Suddenly, Ghiaccio yells from his room. "Y/N!!!" "Well, I have to go. See ya" She left the room and left me flustered. 

I sigh. 'Why does she have such an impact on me...'

Reader's POV

I direct towards Ghia's room.

"Ghia!" He turns to me. He had a plain black t-shirt and long grey pajama pants and his headphones already on. 

"You have Discord?" "Yeah! I can give you my user and tag" I show him my mobile phone. "Okay then, I'm already in. I'll be waiting for you" I give him a thumbs up. "I'll be there in 5!" I smile at him while leaving his room.

I get into my PC and turn it on, accepting Ghiaccio's friend request. 'Should I message him?' I think while the game opens.

I recieve a sudden call in Discord.

"Heyo!" I say while putting on my headphones. "Well, I just send you my name and tag in game. And by the way, I haven't played in a while so-" "That's okay, it's just for fun!" I reply, a smile in my face.

We quickly add each other and start playing. 

We lost track on time. "C'mon Baron and then we can end already!" We were in an almost hour long game and at least I was tired. "Yeah! I hope our useless team does something!" I laugh at his comment. 

We finish not so long after that, the "Victory" screen visible. "GG Ghia, but we should eat something and hit the sack, don't ya think?" I say while streching. "It can't be so late Y/N..." "It's literally almost 2 a.m" I chuckle. "Wait, really?!" I start wheezing at his reaction. 

"Stop laughing-" He says trought the mic. "Well, let's go and eat then" I yawn "I'm tired..." "Okay then, I'll go with you" "Well then, meet me at the hall" I leave the call and stand up from my chair.

I get out of the room and inmediatly find Ghiaccio already in front of me, his hair ruffled and his glasses a bit out of place. "Let's go then! What do you wanna eat?" I ask him, smiling at him. "I don't care, I'm fine with anything" "Okay, then I'll make some sandwiches for the both of us!" I said excitedly while reaching the room. "Sounds fine to me honestly..." I smile at him.

I start preparing a pair of simple sandwiches and hand Ghiaccio one of them.

"Do you like it?" I ask the male, smiling at him. "Decent" He responded, his eyes looking to the sandwich. I chuckle slightly at his answer. "I'm glad then, i like to put more ingredients but it's too late for that" I comment, eating a bit more.

Some minutes later, I finished with the sandwich. "I'm going to sleep, see ya~" I yawn while standing up. "Good night Y/N" Wait, Ghiaccio being nice?!?!?!

"Awe~ Look who's softening a bit!" I nudge him with my elbow teasingly. His face turns red. "Shut up!" He whisper-yelled.

"Well, good night to you as well~" I ruffle his hair a bit and leave the room.

Ghiaccio's POV

When she left the room I had to cold my face a bit. 'This is gonna be hard, they're all after her as well...'

(A/N: ty character a.i for giving me inspo LOOL. i'll try to edit this book a bit since there are some things that are poorly written. have a great day/night!! ^^)


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