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Y/N's Pov

After some hours of unpacking things I heard a knock on my door, I opened it revealing a very confused Prosciutto, then I realised that he saw my tons of anime merch, I blushed a lot. 

"Y/N, Risotto told Melone, Pesci and I that you're going to a mission with us tomorrow" He said with an emotionless face. He left while my face was hotter than magma. Well, it's seems like my secret had already been discovered. 

I rested my hand on Prosciutto's shoulder and he turned his face to mine. "I know that you don't know me well, but please, don't tell anybody about this, is embarasing..." I said looking to the side. "No problem Y/N, I promise" He smiled a bit.

Prosciutto's Pov

So she's a weeb huh? Well, I'm not that bad, if I were Formaggio or Illuso the secret will be out in less than a day. I chuckled a bit thinking about the scene while I entered to the living room. "Hey bro, did you told her about the mission?" Pesci asked me. "Yes, I did" I answered. Risotto entered the room with his phone on his hand.

"Hey guys, I'm going to order some pizzas, which ones do you want?" He asked. "I want a Margherita" Pesci said. "I want a Hawaiian one" Illuso added. "Melone and I want some BBQ ones" Ghiaccio said. "I want a 4 cheeses" Formaggio said. "Me a Pepperoni one" I added. "I WANT A PROSCIUTTO PIZZA, BUT THE HAM NOT THE GUY!!" Y/N yelled from her room.

The team bursted into laughter while I was a blushing mess. "HAHAHAHAH LOOK AT PROSCIUTTO!" Illuso teased between laughs. Then Y/N yelled from her room: "I'M SORRY PROSCIUTTO BUT IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT YOUR NAME IS MY FAVOURITE PIZZA!".

Y/N's Pov

God, I feel bad for Prosciutto, so I decided to compensate him a bit. I yelled again: "I AM A WEEB AND THAT'S MORE EMBARASING TO ME!" The team laughed again, obviously Risotto didn't in both cases, and then I realised what I did. 

"I'm a fucking idiot..." I mumbled. I went to the living room with an awkward smile on my face. "Hey guys, were's the bathroom?" I said. "It is at the end of the hall" Ghiaccio replied. "Thank you" I said with an awkward smile.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face to cool it down. "I thought you wouldn't be that much of a crackhead" I recognized that voice, it was Melone's. "Well, it is my first day here and I already auto-embarrassed myself" I snickered.

"Hey Melone" "What?~" He said. "What's the mission about?" "Killing a man called Antonello Ricci" "I suppose that we have to kill him from the distance" "What do you mean?" Melone said with a confused look on his face. "I mean, I've heard that Prosciutto, Pesci and your stand have a lot of range" I answered, leaning against the sink. "Wow Y/N-chan you're so intelligent~" I gave him a super confused expression while Melone was laughing his ass off.

"We hardly know each other, you shouldn't be complimenting me..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. Then the doorbell could be heard followed by the sound of the door being opened. "HEY! The pizzas are here!" Illuso said. "FINALLY!" Formaggio complained. Buff, thank you pizza man, you saved me from having a very awkward moment.

We sat down on the living room while we talked to know each other better. "How old are you Y/N?" Pesci said. "Pesci, Pesci, Pesci, Pesci... Did you know that a gentleman should't ask that kind of things to a woman? You're such a mamonni..."Prosciutto exclaimed while rolling his eyes." Don't worry Prosciutto! I doesn't matter. And for you question Pesci, I'm actually 25" I replied with a smile on my face. "Wow Y/N~ You look much younger!" Melone tried to flirt with me. "Are you saying that being 25 is being old?" I teased him while he had a shocked expression. "Holy shit, this pizza is fantastic Risotto!" Illuso yelled. "Yeah I agree with him" Formaggio added.

After some time, we finished eating the pizzas and now it was twelve in the morning. Before I went to sleep, I had to ask Risotto one question so I went to his room, knocked the door and opening it revealing a Risotto without his hat with some black basketball shorts and a dark grey tank top. 

"Do you need something Y/N?" He broke the silence. "Actually yes, at what time do we have to go to the mission?" I questioned. "Normally our missions are at the night-time, sometimes in the afternoon" He explained.

I nodded my head understandingly. "In this case, your mission is going to be at the night-time but you don't have to dress fancy or anything like that" I nodded again in aprovement and said "Thank you" before leaving Risotto's room. 

I reached my own and turned on the TV with the objective of watching some anime before sleeping. I decided to watch Erased, it's short but I've had heard that it's really good (A/N: If you haven't seen Erased, please, watch it, it's worthy) . After finishing the 12 chapters series I was really tired, I looked at the clock, 4 a.m? Wow, too much anime? Oh well, guess I'm going to sleep now. I took my dakimakura (A/N: If you don't know, a dakimakura is a pillow with a character/s on it) and I cuddle with it making me falling asleep really fast.

(A/N: Hey guys! The next chapter is about your first mission as a La Squadra member! I'll try to update this between tomorrow and Friday and is going to have info about your first enemy: Antonello Ricci!)

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