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(A/N: important note in the end)

Reader's Pov

For some reason I had a quite realistic nightmare during that night, or that's what I assume since I woke up earlier than usual and I was drenched in sweat.

'I think I cried as well, my eyes and head feel a bit sore' I thought, holding my head with one of my hands.

"Are you okay Y/N?" The sudden question startled me and I look around my room to find Formaggio and Illuso sitting close to me.

"Don't scare me like that!" I hold my hand close to my chest and chuckle. Both males looked at me, a worried look on their faces.

"Is... Something wrong guys?" I ask them, sitting by the edge of my bed, facing them.

"You were screaming, very loudly, during the last hour..." Formaggio explained, looking down at his lap.

My eyes widen slightly. "I guess I had a nightmare, but I can't remember it..." I rub my forehead and sigh. "Sorry if I worried you guys" I look down to my hands, fidgeting with them slightly.

I feel an arm around my shoulders and a breath against my neck. "It's okay Y/N, just breathe deep. Formaggio, you can go back to bed, I'll stay here with Y/N until she relaxes a bit" After those words from Illuso I could swear that I heard an annoyed sound coming from Formaggio's mouth as he left the room.

I turned my head to the source of Illuso's voice and then notice how close we actually were. When I had turned my head his eyes were already looking into my own.

"So you don't remember even one bit of what your nightmare was about, at all?" For some reason his voice was much softer when he asked me that and, even, almost a whisper.

"Noup, I can't remember shit. But if you say I was yelling it must've been a strong one for sure." I sigh and somehow relax under Illuso's touch, even while feeling his intense glare on me.

"I see... At least now you're not so out of breath anymore, your shouts were quite, strong let's say." He looked away for some seconds and sighed. "You got me worried for a second. I thought maybe there was an intruder and they were doing something hurtful to you or something like that. I though we had lost you."

Even while his eyes weren't directing towards me anymore, I could feel that his words were genuine.

"Well, thanks for worrying for me, but if I were being attacked believe me that I wouldn't yell incoherent things." I chuckle a bit and pat his back in a friendly way.

He finally looked at me again and his eyes were a bit widened. Since my curtains were open I could see that the sun was slowly coming up so it must be almost 6 a.m or so, maybe even more.

"Are you still tired by any chance?" His sudden question takes me a bit off-guard.

"I guess I am, I went to sleep quite late so I guess I've only slept like 4 hours or so..." As I say that a small yawn escapes my lips and Illuso snickers softly.

"Would you lend me stay here with you until you fall asleep? I want to make sure you get enough rest." His words, again, caught me off-guard fully and I look around.

"Uhm, okay? If that makes you less worried...".

As I laid down on my bed I felt Illuso's persistent glance over me. I turned my back towards him and closed my eyes, trying to relax and return to my slumber.

"You know it's quite hard to fall asleep when someone is staring through you, right?" I turn around slightly to look at him. When I do so he seems a bit nervous and even looks away slightly.

"Uhm, sorry. It's just that I'm worried for your well-being, specially after that one talk we had after you arrived from your first mission" That's when it hits me.

"Wait, have you been concerned about me since then? Why? You haven't known me for as long as you've known the rest of the team. I'm confused" I sit down on the bed again and he moves slightly and takes my hands, sighing.

"Y/N, do you really expect me to not care about you after all of the things you told me?" His eyes contact was slightly fervid but unstable at the same time and his touch delicate.

"I still don't understand why you worry so much, it was only once..." He suddenly looks away and mumbles something before breathing deeply and looking at me back in the eyes in a tender way.

"Well Y/N, it's because I-" "Illuso, Y/N, are you two still awake?" I get startled by the sudden voice behind the door. I quickly rush towards it, leaving Illuso behind, and open it, finding Formaggio with three mugs in hand.

"I brought y'all a chamomile tea, it helps to relax a bit" He hands me two of the mugs and sips on his own. "Oh, thank you Formaggio. Are you going to sleep again?" "Not really. Since I already woke up early I may just take advantage of it and be productive for once" He smiles a bit and yawns.

"It does sounds good yeah, might as well steal your idea" I look back at Illuso, who even has a sad expression in his face. Wait, what?

"I think I'll simply go back to my room" Illuso suddenly speaks and storms out of my room while snatching one of the mugs away from my hands, bumping a bit into Formaggio's shoulder.

"Uhm, is that usual?" I ask Formaggio, pointing at the direction Illuso went towards. "Don't worry, he'll be fine".

Illuso's Pov


(A/N: hi.

what am i supposed to say after not updating in almost a year dude? LOOl. i still don't know why you guys still read this, i had to update everything today because there were so many spelling mistakes and I was getting MAD, many cringy things too ew. anyways, 20k reads DAMN. ty very fucking much. now i promise i'll update once every two weeks since i also want to continue my original story sjogjeogesjo. anyways, i might as well do a face reveal for y'all to compensate or something but, serious question, do y'all really want a pesci romantic moment? istg i've got 0 ideas for him and i've never met someone that likes pesci that way (not risotto tho, y'all are WILD fr (same honestly)).

i apologise again for the inactivity without any notice, i'll update more and i hope my writing has improved cause DAMN it was bad.

well, thank you again for all the love, i still can't process it all <333)


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