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(A/N: I deleted the A/N's and now I have less reads :// but now this looks cleaner ngl hope we can reach 10k again soon :P)

Reader's POV

So, in the end we couldn't have a relaxed night. 

We arrived to our hideout and immediately started searching information about him: Donato De Luca. 

Melone did a quick search on many social media and on the internet in general. "It seems that we need to find out about him by ourselves. I can't find about him anywhere, I can deduce that 'Donato De Luca' it's not his real name. No profiles match with Fiorenzo's physical description about him" The purple haired man explained, sounding really exhausted.

"Maybe he changed his appereance in order to us to not recognize him?" Pesci added. "I don't think so,  there is a very small chance that he knows we are researching about him" Formaggio responded. "Maybe he is part of a gang too and he recognized us?" I wondered out loud. "It could be" Risotto added.

We all stayed there, thinking about all the posibilities that could happen right now. "Now that I remember, I know about someone that could help us with this" I said. "Really? Could you call them right now?" Prosciutto asked, staring into my eyes. "Not really, at this time he's usually sleeping and I don't want to bother" I answered, scratching the back of my neck. "I mean, it's probably around 12 a.m by now" Ghiaccio commented, yawning a bit. "Then we should go and rest, tomorrow our minds will be a bit more clear" Risotto recommended us.

With that conversation, we all went to our respective rooms and went to sleep, well, not in my case. 

I was laying down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I wasn't really sure but I know that Doppio may know how to help us. I should really go to sleep, filling my head with too much things before sleeping isn't really healthy. I was about to fall asleep until I heard my door opening.

"Sorry for waking you up" "Don't worry Risotto, I wasn't sleeping yet" "Still, sorry for breaking in your room at this hour". He was in his sleeping clothes: a black tank top with some long grey sweatpants. "Don't worry really".

I sat down on my bed facing him. "Well, there is a question that wanders in my mind and I would like to ask you" He explained. I just nodded in response. "You have a higher rank that La Squadra in Passione, that's obvious. It's possible that the person that you're going to contact with tomorrow has any type of connection with the Boss?" He asked. 

"Since you're the capo I can trust you this information, but please don't tell anyone or the Boss will go after my gut" I joked. "Well, your superstition is true. The guy I'm contacting tomorrow is the sub-chief of the mafia". 

Risotto's eyes widened a bit. "So your suspect is that Donato is member of an enemy gang too?" "Probably, I mean, you said that you're regular costumers on that restaurant. Maybe he has been looking for y'all for a long time and discovered that you go there very often. Maybe he's a spy from another gang? I don't know, there are many possibilities" I objected. 

"I completely agree with you, now that I think about it, I think I've seen a man who fits Fiorenzo's description, who has also been a regular customer since some months back" He assured. "That's good to know! We should ask Fiorenzo info about him!" I exclaimed.

He patted my head and smiled slightly. "Go to sleep, we'll talk about this tomorrow more calmly okay?" He said. "Okay, see you tomorrow Risotto" I responded, my voice lowering a bit. "Good night Y/N" With that, he was out of my room and closing my door.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen neither heard of Risotto's stand, I bet it's really creepy or something. And with a metal band name probably! All of that questions flooded my mind and somehow drove me to sleep.

The next morning, as usual, I woke up the last. "Good morning everyone" I entered the kitchen yawning. "How do you do it Y/N? Even when we all went to sleep at the same time" Illuso mocked me. "Just shut up, I like to sleep ok?" I defended myself. "He's just teasing you Y/N, I don't want to break another fight started by this idiot" Prosciutto growled while pointing at Illuso who had his hands up like he was getting arrested. 

"Well, what can I eat today? No leftovers please I'm tired of them" I exclaimed. "Then do your own breakfast" And there he was again, trying to get to my bad side. "It really seems like you are obsessed with me or something, go and pay attention to a video on how to do your hair or something like that" I remarked cockily.

Illuso stayed there, just glaring at me. "Out of speech?" I said, pouring a bit of milk on my cup.

(A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE?! this is impressive. lately I've had quite a lot of inspiration soooo... well, I hope you have a good day/night <33)


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