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Info about Antonello Ricci:

Occupation: Capo.

Stand: Hypnotize.

Stand ability: Hypnotize makes people worst nightmares come real.


(I made the drawing and the heart is censoring my signature :P)

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(I made the drawing and the heart is censoring my signature :P)

Knowing this info, let's start!

Pesci's Pov

I was going to Y/N's room to wake her up. It was almost 11 a.m and she hadn't come out of her room yet. I gently knocked her room door and opened it. "Y/N? Are you awake?" I said in a soft tone. I heard a adorable snore coming from Y/N, I smiled a bit looking at the peaceful girl. "Hey Y/N, you should wake up, it's almost 11 am..." She mumbled something before she left her bed. "Thank you for waking me up Pesci" She said in a tired tone. I smiled at her and replied with a "No problem" before leaving her room. She looked kinda cu- WAIT WHAT?

Your Pov

I went to the kitchen and saw the rest of the team laughing and chatting. "Good morning sleepy head!" Illuso said. (A/N: Yeah, it's a Danganronpa reference) "Shut up Illuso, it's not my fault that the anime I was watching yesterday was interesting as fuck" I replied with a confident pose. "Well Y/N, what do you want to have for breakfast? We have cereals, milk and some pancakes that Formaggio did" Risotto said in a stoic manner. "Can I have some pancakes?" I replied. "Of course, how many?" Formaggio questioned. "I'll have r/n (random number)" I said. "Ok!"

As I sat down by the table and waited for the pancakes I spoke with my gangmates for a while. Not so much time later Formaggio was already serving me a plate with the pancakes, condimented with some caramel syrup.

"Thank you very much" I took the fork and the knife and started cutting down the pancakes and putting them in my mouth. As soon as the flavor reaches my tongue I hum happily.

"Wow Formaggio, this pancakes are really good!" I smiled wide.

Formaggio's Pov

Y/N smiled wide, her smile is so cute! I hope I will be able to get to know her more... "Oh, it's nothing..." I said blushing a bit.

Your Pov

I'm very happy that I agreed to come here, they seem so kind and friendly, at least for now. Not as them...


"Please Y/N! Don't kill me! You know that I'm the daughter of a very famous celebrity and the media will go after you!" Andreana praises were very bad. "I don't care neither if you're the daughter of a celebrity or the daughter of your own shit" I said coldly with a knife on my hand. "Are you serious Y/N? It's only a rumor!" She said scared of her life. I cutted a zone of her mouth so she could not speak. I stabbed her 5 times before leaving her body on Andreana new best friend's basement with her friend's fingerprints on the knife I used, so they could blame her of everything.

End of the Flashback

You'll ask how I entered into Andreana's best friend house, easy, they were having a sleepover so I snuck by her window. "Y/N!" I heard Ghiaccio's voice. "What?" "You zoomed out for nearly 2 minutes!" Illuso said chuckling.

I inmediately notice the situation and I rub my nape nervously. "Oh, uhm, sorry for that..." "Don't worry about it Y/N" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and my gaze met Risotto's cold stare. I feel a small shiver running down my spine.

After breakfast the day was quite boring and I decided to entertain myself by simply hanging out in my room alone.

Before I could even notice it was already night-time so I was getting ready for the mission, I may be a crackhead that sometimes zooms out, but, I take things seriously when I can." Hey Y/N, are you ready?" Prosciutto said. "Yes, let's go!" We got into the car. "What's the plan?" I asked. "Easy, Pesci and Melone will find where is Antonello's team is hiding in the city with their stands and when they find them you'll kill Antonello while I kill their team from the distance" Prosciutto said. "Just incase that you can't kill him, I'll do it by myself" He added.

The car stopped and Melone said: "We are here". We got out of the car and Pesci's Beach Boy and Melone's Baby Face, that sadly, was born in a poor girl's body, started with the research while Prosciutto and I followed them while taking properties with my stand at the same time. 

"Di molto! My Baby Face had founded Antonello's gang in a house at the south of the city" Melone exclaimed. "Great! Let's go!" Pesci said. "Good, I took some properties so I can make a termal sight sniper" I exclaimed. "Great desicion Y/N" Prosciutto said. I blushed a bit and then added. "Also I made a rope so we can go to the roof of a house to kill him and a katana in case anything goes wrong". We reached the house and my stand gave me the sniper.

"Wow, your stand ability is really cool!" Pesci exclaimed. "Oi Pesci, don't distract" Prosciutto said. "Ok Aniki..." "Shut up! I think I saw something moving!" I said. "Prosciutto, kill his gang, I'll kill Antonello by myself" I added while approaching the house. "Ok. Melone, Pesci, stay here and kill any suspect form" Prosciutto adverted them. 

We reached the house and Prosciutto gave me some ice so his stand couldn't kill me too. I took the katana I made to  help Prosciutto with the gang. "Wow! They're a lot" I smirked. "Well, it seems that I'm the party pooper, Y/N L/N" A deep voice said. "Who are you and why do you know my full name?!" Then a guy with dark pink eyes and grey hair stood in front of us. "Long time we don't see, right Y/N-chan~?"

(A/N: Thank you for 100 reads! I had a bit of write block but I'm here again! Hope you liked this chapter and see you in the next one!)
     - Andy

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