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Reader's Pov

We followed the waiter through the huge establishment. There was a lot of expensive decorations which made the restaurant very pretty and approachable even when it also looked really expensive. "Risotto, who's paying for all of this?" I asked the capo. "Everyone pays for their food, that's our rule" Formaggio responded. "Sounds fair".

"La Squadra, this is your table, I hope you have a nice evening" The waiter, whose name I asume was Fiorenzo, kindly offered us a seat. "Thank you Fiorenzo" Risotto said, smiling slightly. 

We sat down on the table and started browsing what to eat on the menu. "What are y'all going to order?" Illuso asked, his eyes still on the menu. "Probably some fish or something like that" Melone responded, his eyes also on the menu. "I will most likely order the same as always" Prosciutto added. 

My eyes wandered through all of the avaible food. "It's so hard to only choose one bruh" I said out loud. I could hear some of my gangmates laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked, looking at them with a confused expression. They were still laughing. "Guys I get that I'm the new one here but come on, explain!".

Melone's POV

Teasing Y/N is so fun, she's really cute when she's pissed. "Well, I'll just let it pass I guess" She exclaimed pouting slightly while covering her face in the paper. 

The night went fluidly. We all ordered our respective foods and started talking about diverse themes.

We all got to know Y/N better and now I notice that the vibe has changed a lot. We all seem to get a bit calmer when we're around her and that tells me a lot about my teammates.

Risotto's POV

The night was going as planned. Everyone was enjoying it and it seems that our Y/N has opened more. "How was the food?" I asked her, seeing that her plate was already empty. "Really good, I've loved it. Glad to know that you come here pretty often" She responded, that adorable smile always on her face.

"I'm glad Y/N" I responded, smiling back slightly. "RISOTTO IS SMILING?!" Illuso suddenly broke the calm atmosphere that we created. "WAIT WHAT?" Formaggio yelled. "Shut up boys, do we have to remind you that you are on a restaurant and not in the park?" Prosciutto added, clearly annoyed.

"Just relax, okay?" I said, my normal expression coming back. I admit that the fact that my teammates noticed my mood change got me a bit nervous. Maybe there's something that makes me change around her.

3rd Person's POV

Risotto's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden noise coming from the restaurant's kitchen. "What was that?" Pesci questioned. "It sounded like someone falling to me" Ghiaccio added. Risotto instinctively got up from the table and approached a waiter near it. "Sir, we've heard a sound coming from your kitchen, is everything okay?" He asked coldly. "Don't worry sir, we'll handle it" The waiter responded. Y/N and Prosciutto stayed there, looking at the situation. 

"Pros, you are thinking the same as me, am I wrong?" The girl whispered to the blond man. "This is really suspicious, it sounds like they're used to this thing to happen, and as a usual costumer this isn't normal" Prosciutto responded, analyzing the ambience. "I bet it's a stand user, we must watch out, this can be dangerous" She responded, looking at the blond in the eye.

Suddenly, another noise could be heard, this time it was a gunshot. "See, my prediction was true" She remarked cockily. "Didn't doubt about that in any moment" Prosciutto answered.

"Guys, pull out your stands, this can become difficult in no time" Risotto exclaimed, finally understanding the situation. "Don't worry guys! Everything is under control, we're used to it" Fiorenzo suddenly approached the gang. "Used to gunshots? Explain yourself" Ghiaccio exclaimed, crossing his arms. 

Fiorenzo sighed deeply. "This mess started around 2 months ago, when our head chef and boss hired a man to work in the kitchen with us. His name is Donato De Luca, or at least that's how he calls himself. Since his arrival everything has gotten really weird. Our boss has become very agressive and his temper can't be controled. He was a really chill man who didn't yell at anyone most of the time. I can tell that something is wrong and Donato is involved with this" Fiorenzo explained.

"Let this case to us Fiorenzo, we just need you to give us what you think it's relevant information and we'll help" Illuso responded, clearly aware of the danger the workers were in. "Thank you so much La Squadra, I'll give you my phone number to-" "Not needed, we'll give you a fake number so you can comunicate with us without the possibility of the number being tracked. We don't want your life to be in danger" Risotto interrupted him.

The kind waiter just nodded, he looked much relaxed now. "Again, thank you guys, I knew I could trust you".

(A/N: almost 10k reads holy shit. thank you guys so much for all of the support in this story I really don't deserve it <333. I hope y'all still enjoy the history and the new stand user that is about to appear! I hope you have a good day/night <3)


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