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Illuso's POV

Damm, she really got me there. But, who wouldn't look at her? I mean, she's really one of the most badass women I've ever met. Risotto, let me work with her already.

"See Illuso? I'm not the only one who thinks that" Cheese man dared to comment. "You talking? Your haircut isn't the best either" I remarked sassily. "At least it's better than yours" He replied back.

"Man, could you shut up please?! I'm trying to work here!" Ghiaccio interrupted our argument from the other side of the room. "It's the second time today, are y'all on your men periods or something?" Melone joked. Y/N's laugh could be heard.

"Wtf Melone? What a joke of bad taste" Prosciutto commented. "Well, just zip your mouths already and finish with your breakfasts, it's my turn to wash the dishes today" Y/N exclaimed, sounding pissed off.

"Stop with the shouting, we have some important work to do. I called Fiorenzo early in the morning and I asked him about something that Y/N and I found out yesterday. I remebered that there's a costumer that started being a regular not so long ago and he perfectly fits Donato's physical description" Risotto explained.

"And?" Ghiaccio said. "I asked Fiorenzo about him and his name is unknown, but he noticed that he started being a regular when Donato joined the restaurant" "Okay, this is getting really weird" Melone commented.

"That's the only thing that he knows, but I'm sure that we would find more information about that person" Risotto continued.

Reader's POV

Same person? When Donato started? I definitely have to talk with Doppio about this, I bet he knows something about this man. "Guys, I have to call the person I told y'all yesterday. I'll be right back" I told my gangmates while leaving the room.

I took my mobile phone and called Doppio. 

"Hello?" He said. "Doppio, I need your help with something. Can I steal some of your time?" I asked him. "Of course! What's the matter?" I explained the case to him in detail to see if he had information about the misterious guy.

"Oh, I know someone that fits into your description. His name is Baldassare, I don't know his last name. He has been reported several times for harassing anyone who had information about The Boss" He explained. "Is there any posibility that Donato and Baldassare are the same person?" "I can't answer that. Even when many members of our gang have seen him, we don't know anything but his name" He sounded a bit frustated. "Thank you for the information Doppio, I'll update you when we get more" I said, hanging the call.

I went back to the kitchen to find the rest of the team slient. "Guys I have good news, I've gotten more information about Donato" Everyone was now looking at me, expectantly. 

"This person told me that there is a guy that fits Donato's appereance, but responds to a different name. His last name is unknown for the moment but he's called Baldassare. He has stalking antecedents, and some of our gang members were victims of this. He tends to stalk people that have any type of information of our boss" I explained to them. 

"I asked the person if there was any posibility that these two people are the same, but we'll have to find that out by ourselves" "Well, better than nothing!" Melone exclaimed happily. "Does that known person of yours know if that Baldassare guy is from an enemy gang?" Prosciutto questioned, staring at me.

'Fuck, I forgot to ask that' "Ehm... Didn't thought about that..." I responded, blushing a bit with embarrassment. "Wait, now that I think about it, I think I've heard about a Baldassare in another gang" Ghiaccio commented. All of our gazes were now on him.

"Baldassare De Luca, he was an Antonello Ricci subordinate. He had a stand whose name was Custer. Its ability is making clones of whoever he pleased".

I looked at Risotto, who was already looking at me. "You're thinking what I'm thinking, aren't you?" I said, smirking a bit. "That Donato is just the clone made by Baldassare to recopilate information about us. Maybe he wants to avenge his capo?" "Well have to find out a bit more before taking action"

(a/n: i haven't updated since january, sorry about that. this isn't going on hiatus btw, i'm just a very slow updater lol. school finishes soon so i'll try to update more in summer. ty for 10k reads btw, ily guys <33)

- andy

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