Dark Night

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Each shadow was cast. The moon was bright in the spring night. My footsteps were making soft sounds as they connected with the concrete sidewalk. I was on my way to a meeting. It had been scheduled for a month now and I was excited to get out of the house finally.

A hood covered my head. My brown hair was pulled back in a low hair tie. My hazel eyes scanned each road marker to make sure I was on the right street. My hands were in my pockets because even though it was spring, winter decided to hang on one last time and control the wind chill.

When I saw a shadow move in the alley, I froze. I wasn't sure who to expect. Whether it be a random thief or one of the well-known gangs in this town. Or some rumors I've heard personally with mutant monsters roaming the streets and eating people for the fun of it.

When I didn't see another shadow again, I continued walking. Now, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Sophia. But many call me Sophie or Soph. Until they disappeared.... I am the last one.

Last one? You may ask. I was in my own little clique of friends that seemed doesn't from other kids. Others were rude or in sports or just really cocky and fashion-y. Our group was different. There were four of us total. Me, Cindy, Julie, and our unanimously voted leader, Naomi.

Naomi was the first to go.... More than a year and a half ago had passed since she's disappeared. The rest of us started separating slowly. Our sorrow was too great. We put signs up but nobody came up to say they had her. But her parents didn't even remember her.... which was the worst part.

Next was Julie, basically or second in command. She was the oldest and about to leave for collage. And that made me and Cindy split almost completely. We were hurt and blamed ourselves. From what I hear, Cindy joined the mass ninja gang around and became one of the head ninjas. Lucky duck, I always thought.

Then Cindy herself disappeared. I heard rumors that the head ninja of the gang was a murderer, so I assumed he killed her and went on his way. So I'm the last. The last of the girls... I felt lost without them.

Until a street thug was talking softly to a group of tattooed up boys. They were pointing at me as I walked by. I had grabbed my pocket knife and got ready for anything serious.

I turned a corner and remembered how they followed me. When I stopped and turned, their snickering faces were all I could see.

"Well, looks like we got us a pretty damsel. And she's about to be in stress," one said.

"I can be her hero. Get her, Tsoi, and I'll be the hero," a different one said, his body language saying "Prince" like from Disney movies.

"I'm not being the horse, now," the largest one said. "I'd rather be the Prince charming."

"None of you are," I had snapped. "Now unless you want trouble, I suggest leaving me alone."

They looked at me and smirked. The first one spoke again, "Looks like she's got some fire."

"Let's put it out," said the biggest one again.

They had advanced on me and I waited until one of them stepped up. The biggest one lunged at me first. I sidestepped and let his weight continue through the run. He stopped before he hit the wall. The first, and I assumed leader, took out a small blade. He growled then ran at me.

I grabbed my pocket knife, pitiful in size compared to his blade and dodged and swiped at him. He backed up then growled for one last time before the second one snatched me up. The bigger of the three cane up to his leader and chuckled evilly. I struggled, dropping my knife in the process.

"Enough, Fong," someone said from the alley darkness. All of us looked over. A tall and lean shape strode over, his stride filled with confidence. "We could use her."

"But, Hun," Fong started.

"No," Hun shook his head. He had cloudy and light sunglasses on at night. Idiot... They were still sunglasses. And his hair was dark along with his suit. "Let her go, Sid." The one holding me let me go and I took a few steps forward, straightening my t-shirt I was wearing at the time. Hun stepped toward me, his hands behind his back, "What do you say? Join the Purple Dragons?"

"What's in it for me?" I asked wearily. I wasn't going to let them use me for their own entertainment.

Hun brought his right hand into view and looked his knuckles without intrest, "Protection. And a way to get out of whatever hellhole you live in." I had immediately thought of my home. "Friends." I remember thinking of Naomi and Julie, who were the only two had disappeared at the time. "And much more," he finished, looking at me with his dark eyes.

I remember turning back to the two minions behind me. I noticed their arms were covered in dragon tattoos so I turned back to Hun and crossed my arms, "Will I be getting a dragon tattoo?"

"Once you finish initiation, yes," he answered with a sly smirk.

The answer itself had made me smirk and I answered, "Another way to tick off my parents. I'm in."

That was all it took. Isighed at the memories. Within the nest two weeks, I could take Sid down. His clumsy and slow attitude didn't help him any, but still. Hun had taught me more of the pitiful moves I knew. He taught me and showed me a life outside my old life. Like it was fantasy. Hun and I had been getting along. And we still are. So he told me next week he would let me finish up my initiation and then I could go to the tattoo store and get the famous dragon tattoo. I couldn't wait!

So as I was looking for the street to turn on to begin my initiation course, I saw more shadows. But these were on rooftops. When I looked up, they were gone. But I didn't pay any heed because I was already walking inside the fortune cookie hideaway.


It starts. *Smirks* GAH THE BEGINNING. Hate doing beginnings... But they must be done...

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