Comfortable Bed

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As I entered my room, all I felt was home. Really, I did. As soon as I turned on the light, I felt welcomed. But it was a weird feeling coming from a place I hardly knew... It was strange, yet familiar. It scared me, honestly.

I closed the door behind me and looked around. The walls were a grey, but I could see a light blue missed in as if somebody had tried to paint them, so it looked like a blue-grey color, one you may find on those really soft cats with blue eyes. In the corner was a really simple single bed with ocean-blue covers and a blue-green pillow case. Beside it was a light brown bedside drawer with a clock on it that had a picture under the numbers. As I came closer, I picked it up and held it to the light and saw that it was a picture of the four boy Turtles, Cindy, Naomi, Julie, and in the front there was another turtle with a blue-green mask...

I sat down on the bed's edge and looked at the clock for a few minutes before setting it down and looking more around. Beside the clock was a journal that looked like it was recently went through. I didn't dare open it, so I picked it up and slipped it inside the top drawer. There wasn't anything else in the top drawer other than a dull pencil and pink eraser, so I assumed it went there in the beginning.

What I did think about was go through the other drawers, but I thought differently. I didn't want to intrude on anyone's personal belongings. So I just looked around some more. There was a closet and with clothes hanging in it, so I got back up off the bed and went over.

The clothes looked like they had put there recently and were almost all blue-green or grey. They also looked like they were recently bought at a second-hand store. Didn't bother me any because that's where I got some of my clothes as well.

I decided to get changed. The new clothes felt nice and clean and strangely enough even warmer than my previous clothes. That made me assume they came from the dryer, but I didn't care. After I got dressed, I kicked the dirty clothes on the floor to the corner of the room near the door and plopped down on the bed belly first.

The bed was comfortable in its own way, not a Temperpedic or anything, but close enough. I scooted myself up toward the pillow and set my arms underneath it and set my head on it, curling up a little on my side. I closed my eyes and tried to doze off.

But I was soon stopped by a knock on my door. I frowned and looked over at the door. I didn't want to deal with anybody, but the door handle turned and in came the blue masked Turtle.

"Sophie?" he asked.

"What?" I growled, turning back to my pillow, wanting to take a nap.

There was a giant pause before he answered, "Sensei wants to see you."

"Sensei?" I repeated.

"The rat..." he answered quietly. He was acting shy, but I could tell that wasn't his common emotion. The reason I say that is because when the others looked at him, they looked to him with trust and guidance from what I could tell.

I sighed and sat up, "Fine..."

When I got up, I came over to Leo. He kept the door open for me before closing it behind me when I left the room. I went toward the dojo and noticed everyone was standing inside the room, as if waiting for something to happen.

What was going on?


Ahhhh... hah hah... I don't know what to do about the next chapter... -.-

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