In the Dragon's Lair

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After a few days of being stuck in the lair, I was starting to get tired of the same scenery. Everyone had their schedule the same. Everyone did the same thing. But then, I guess you don't have an option on what to do stuck in the sewers with humanity above you scared of everything they don't understand.

The only people that kept me company were the dragons really... Topaz was acting more gleeful than when I first met her. Shol on the other hand, kept me warm on a daily basis for no reason. I never really questioned it...

Other days, I watched everyone train. Even the kids were starting to join in. Adrian enjoyed using Gauntlets with blades on the sides. Melanie seemed to finally stay with the fan blades of a... I think they called it a Tessen...

I wanted to join in but I also didn't want my head smashed in again. So I sat back and watched. Occasionally, Melanie would grab my hand age practice and ask me to help her with a move she was having trouble with. She would tell me how to stand and she would then practice.

What felt like months in the lair was only a few weeks. I was really starting to get used to the place. I had no more dreams since the night light. I've even kept it in the wall plugged in and occasionally looked into it just to finish the scene. It never occurred...

Finally, however, I was sitting on the couch with Raphael approached me. His emerald green eyes worried and unfocused. I was slightly confused until he finally sighed, "We're going on patrol and was wondering if you wanted to come along."

"Why do you sound so disappointed?" I frowned.

"Because you can patrol you're ownsection of the city..."

"On who's authority?" I asked curiously.

"Naomi's and Leo's..." Raph huffed. "Now get suited up."

"Suited up?"

"Get a weapon! And go out!" Raph's patience had dwindled. He turned and left me thinking about what to do.

I would go out! I grinned and got up, leaving the lair immediately without a weapon. Why? I don't know. I didn't feel like I needed one considering I could fight with my fists decently. Splinter was a good teacher.

As I looked around the streets, I noticed that I was heading toward the part of town called China Town. Where the Purple Dragons hung around at. I stopped at the bottom of the arch way. Should I go?

It took me a couple minutes. I mean, the Mutants have been taking care of me and they seem nice. They kick the bad guys' butts. The Purple Dragons couldn't be that bad, could they? Stealing, yeah, but that's just to get protection money.

So I made up my mind and went anyway. The streets are quiet. Maybe Hun and the Dragons scared them all off? Wouldn't be surprised. They were well known in this part of the city compared to Times Square.

My feet were leading me to the Fortune Cookie Factory. I came up to the door that we usually went into and stopped with my fist raised. Should I? Or not? I hated doubting myself, so I knocked. The Secret knock of course.

Minutes passed before I tried again. No answer still. Finally I sighed and turned away. Maybe they weren't there... God thing I doubted myself then.

"Now," a smooth voice asked from behind me. "How did you manage to escape the Turtles?"

I twisted around and saw Hun leaning on the door frame. He smirked at me and I grinned, not helping myself to it. He pushed himself up off of the frame and came to me.

"Well? I know they didn't just let you run off," he pressed.

I shrugged, blushing and turning my head away. "I'm just that good I guess."

Hun chuckled and went back into the factory. I bounced on my heels before darting in after him. The Factory was basically abandoned. Fong and the other two might have left.

"The only one in here?" I asked, my voice echoing faintly off the walls.

Hun only nodded and went down the hallway to my old room. I was cautious, but followed anyway. He didn't speak, and his shoes weren't making a sound on the tile either.

"So..." I tried. The silence was uncomfortable. At least in the lair there was always some kind of sound. Melanie and Adrian running around or Opal screeching like a banshee. Even Mikey and Mikito seemed to bounce off the walls to make the lair echo with their laughter.

Hun stopped and looked at me. "You deserve to be rewarded for sneaking away from them turtles."

"How?" I asked.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders from under my arms from behind me. I gasped and struggled. I turned and saw Tsoi. They were here! Hun lied!

I turned to glare at him and he only chuckled, coming up to be in front of me. He grabbed me under my chin and kissed me rather violently. I tried to pull back, but Tsoi's chest prevented me. So I tried kicking but Hun grabbed my knees and opened them.

"Stop!" I snarled, feeling hands grasp my ankles around the back of Tsoi. When I looked, it was Fong. "Hun! Make them stop!"

Hun only looked at me through his glasses, even if he was looking at me. "Sorry, babe," he said blandly. "But this is your reward."

By getting pinned down by all of the Purple Dragons?! I struggled more, only to have their grips tightening more. I tried to scream and call out, but Sid wrapped a cloth around my head and stuffed it into my mouth. It tasted nasty.

Soon after they had their fill of torturing me, Hun reached toward my lower stomach where my pants hem was. I bucked and hissed through the rag, scared now. But just as I felt his fingers reach up under my pants' hem, glass was heard breaking throb the other room.

All the Dragons stopped and I let out more muffle cries. They had to shut me up. My world went black as Hun slammed a fist to my cheek.


I had writer's block.... That's why it took forever to update....

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