To Amuse Kids

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When we came back from patrol, I noticed a cleaner smell to the lair. Mikito got ahold of me before I could ask anything about it. She snatched me up and dragged me out toward the middle of the living room.

"How was it?" she asked me, her brown eyes wide and sparkling with excitement.

"How was what?" I asked confused.

She giggled, "Going out with us!"

"Different..." I muttered. "I didn't expect that you all checked a wide range of area."

"Well, it's better than just China Town," Mikito smiled. I frowned at that. They had purposely tried to keep me away from China Town.

When I had asked to go in that general direction, Naomi looked at me with narrowed eyes and flicked her tail. She had shook her head and instead insisted on checking the park. The others seemed to have known what I was planning because they had glanced at me before nodding in agreement.

"Sophie!" Mikito snapped her fingers in front of my face. I blinked and shook my head a little. Her pink mask blurred for a second before I smiled innocently. "You really like staring into space, huh?"

"Occasionally," I laughed softly. "Besides, you're better at it."

"Am not!"

"You always were!"

Mikito laughed and I laughed for a second. I felt I was being watched and I turned my head to find Leo looking at me. I stopped smiling immediately and cleared my throat. Mikito noticed my discomfort and also glanced at Leo. Footsteps leaving behind me told me he was gone.

"You don't like him, do you?" Mikito asked me softly, looking at me concerned.

I shrugged, "After a few hits to the head, you don't care for someone."

Mikito gave me a half-hearted smile with one eye ridge lower than the other. She didn't seem convinced. Why was everyone acting like that? I frowned and decided to head to the kitchen to find something to eat. It took a few turns and turning around again before I found it.

The clean smell hit me like a baseball bat to a baseball. The counter was reflecting light for once. The floor was clean, and everything seemed new! I walked around the island and even noticed a hint of cooked meat in the air. There was a cooker in the sink and I smiled. Julie must've cleaned a little.

"Not Julie," a voice said behind me making me jump. I turned around and saw Naomi. Her tail flicked behind her and she came up beside me. "Julie's staying in bed. She'll be expecting by the end of the week."

"Then who?" I asked.


"Leo? He cleans?"

"He hasn't for a while," Naomi responded. "I'm glad he did. It'll help him out going back to his old self."

"Old self?" I repeated.

She said nothing else. I waited for a response but got nothing. Instead she looked at me and smiled. Blinking in confusion, I frowned a little.

"You'll know soon enough," she finally said. "For now, though, you can help watch the kids."

"Watch the twins?" I repeated. "You nuts?"

"Never have been," she smirked.

I scoffed at that but she turned and left anyway. Bring left alone I looked around before hearing giggling behind me. Turning around, I saw two pairs of eyes watching me with eagerness.

Melanie came out first. Her same figure made me think of Naomi instantly, but her smaller size betrayed my friend.

Adrian came out beside his sister next. He had on large gauntlets that had little wooden blades strapped to them. The figure if the gauntlets were hauntingly familiar...

"Attack!" Mel shouted, pointing a finger at me. I froze. Adrian came running at me with arms and gauntlets straight up. He laughed as he jammed one of the wooden blades playfully against my thigh. It hurt a little, but not much.

I laughed and ran around the island with the kids trailing behind. Melanie finally caught up with a pair of wooden sais.

Running out of the kitchen and into the main room, Donnie raised up a box of some sort. I ran around while the kids under. Next came Raph who just watched the kids with an unamused look.

Mikito and Mikey were beside the pinball machine watching as well. Naomi was no where to be seen along with Leo.

The kids and I played and chased one another for another twenty minutes before I bumped into Leo.

I looked up at him embarrassed as they kids pummeled my clothes. He looked at thme then the kids before nodding and passing me.

He wore a small smile as he passed and gently grabbed the kid's wooden weapons. "How about a training session with me?"

The twins gasped and looked at one another. "With Leo!" Squealing with delight, they left me and ran toward the dojo.

Leo looked at me and chuckled, "You can take a break. They can be quite a handful."

"I noticed..." I responded softly. "Thanks.."

Again Leo nodded and left. His sword handles clanking as he did. I watched him go and wondered if he had changed or not.

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now