"I Couldn't Think!"

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(Leonardo POV)

Naomi's call worried me. I didn't know what to do when she said to hurry it up. So I just did what I thought of first; knock her out. But I didn't think my feet would be involved. All I remember is twisting and having a jarring impact against my ankle. When I looked to where Sophie was, she was on the ground, unconscious, mulch scattered.

"Sophie!" someone shouted and I was suddenly knocked forward on my plastron. I groaned and got on my knees and turned my head to look who kicked me. It was Hun.

He was glaring at me, fists clenched at his sides. I got up and grabbed my Katanas, really not wanting to deal with him at the moment.

"You are stupid for interrupting us," he spat.

"Yeah?" I heard Naomi say, coming down from the jungle gym's overhang, staring at him and flicking her tail. I could tell she was hurt because she was holding her shoulder. "Well maybe you shouldn't be coaxing girls into the Purple Dragon gang. Do you really want a lawsuit on your hands when they turn against you?"

"She wouldn't!" Hun growled at Naomi.

Naomi scoffed, "Oh please, Hun. Do you really think just because you kiss her a few times means she likes you? Girls aren't like that."

Hun stuttered and then Donnie came up beside me while Raph beside Naomi. Mikito offered to stay with the twins again while Julie was getting ready for her own bundle of...—I want to say fur, but it could also be shell. Hun glanced at us then took off down the playground, leaving the scene.

I hopped down from the gym and came up to Sophie's unconscious form on the mulch. She didn't hit anything which was lucky because Naomi might've had my shell. I picked Soph up carefully, looking for any harm done; I wasn't sure how hard I kicked. Sophie whimpered softly in my arms and I could feel the sorrow rise up. I hurt her. I didn't mean to.

Naomi came up, using the stairs rather than jumping down. She looked at me and then at Sophie, "She'll be fine... Let's go back home. Donnie needs to wrap my shoulder up. Hun kicked me and I nearly fell off the overhang. I think it's dislocated." I could only nod.

Raph led the group back home while Donnie took up the rear. We went slowly as to make sure I was following because I wasn't really watching where I was going. Naomi had her tail on my belt, which Raph did not like, leading me away from cable lines and rooftop doors.

I was silent the entire walk, watching Sophie. She was wearing a blue-grey shirt with a ty-dye design splattered on it, a thin black hoodie, something that reminded me when we first found Naomi sitting on the rooftops. She was also wearing light colored jeans and sneakers.

Raph helped me by taking Sophie when it was my turn to go down the sewer hole. I took Sophie back when I climbed down. Naomi slipped on one of the rungs and Donnie grabbed her good arm just as Raph came up and took her before she fell. Donnie closed the manhole cover after us. I was already ahead of everyone.

When I entered the lair, Mikito was chasing a runaway Melanie and Adrian who were swinging around wooden versions of weapons. They suddenly turned on her and Mikito cried out, running from them. Naomi came up and cleared her throat. The twins looked at their mother and were instantly good, setting the weapons down and coming up to her. Raph sighed, probably wishing why he couldn't control the kids like that.

Mikito relaxed and came up to us, glancing at the unconscious Sophie in my arms. I looked away.

"Where's Julie?" Donnie asked.

"In the lab. She's been stressing about the pregnancy all day," Mikito answered. "So I assume she'll be expecting soon."

"I say that," Donnie frowned, heading to the lab.

Mikey chuckled, "Nice way to make D jealous, Mikito."

"It's natural," she smiled. Naomi's tail shot like a whip and whapped Mikito across her shell, making a hollow thudding sound. It make not have hurt, but it did make Mikito stumble forward and look at Naomi, "Hey!"

"The only thing natural about you," Naomi said calmly. "Is your pointing skills."

Mikito smiled and rocked back on her heels while her hands were behind her back, "You know I'm working on that."

"Uh huh..." Naomi muttered, going to the lab.

I watched all this. I didn't say anything. I went to the couch and laid Sophie down, brushing her hair back, which was an unusual thing to do for me, and sighed, sitting on the ground in front of her.

Raph came up to me and set his hand on my shoulder, "You know she'll be fine."

"I know..." I said softly, the pain evident in my voice. "But I saw her and Hun... You saw her and Hun."

"They may have just started dating. Nothing too extreme, Leo. Relax."

"But she was going to be in the Purple Dragons..."

"We're way better than them."

I stayed quiet. Raph sighed and backed off. I stayed still, knees tucked under me and me leaning on my feet, watching the bottom of the couch, not Sophie. I couldn't think or concentrate on anything because I was so worked up on why Sophie was with Hun. I mean, I know the other girls were in a relationship when we found them, but it bothered me to know that they were alone and we found them like that. And I saw them kissing. I guess I was jealous....

Footsteps coming closer interrupted my thoughts and I didn't even turn around. "Leo?" Julie asked, coming up to me. "You okay?"

"I highly doubt it," I muttered, staring at the floor.

Puffy green fur was soon on the edge of my vision as Julie sat by me, "Why's that?"

"I hurt her..."


"Kicking her off the jungle gym."

"You did what?!"

"I couldn't think!" I defended. "Naomi said to hurry up and I did the one thing that my body didn't want to do. I kicked her...."

Julie sighed, "How far was the fall?"

"Far enough to knock her out. No blood or anything," I answered, looking up at the soft features of Sophie's human face. Then I changed the subject, "You think Naomi knew she was going to be there with Hun?"

"Most likely. Doesn't she know everything?"


"But she did get hurt, which is unusual. Maybe she was distracted."

"With what?" I turned to Julie. Her brown eyes were almost hidden in fur that needed to be cut.

She looked at me chuckled, "You don't understand the pain of twins."

"Mikito watches them when she's out though."

"Yeah, but did you not see the way they chased Mikito when we got home?"

I paused and looked over at the kitchen. Naomi and Raph were each carrying a child and walking in the food room. They disappeared behind the curtain. Donnie came out from the lab and looked over at me and Julie before going down the hallway toward his room. And I could only hear the quiet giggling of Mikito and Mikey from their room, hopefully only playing a video game.

I looked back down at the bottom of the couch and sighed, "I want my Sophie back."

"You'll get her back," Julie said softly, setting a hand on my shoulder. "I promise." Then she got up and left me alone to think about what I was going to do at the moment.

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now