The Opal Gem

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"She's dead?" I screeched. "How?"

"Too much blood," Donnie whimpered, looking down. "I tried but without a proper blood fusion, it was impossible..."

"But we've all donated our blood," Naomi said. "You could have used--"

"I did!" Donnie snapped harshly at her. It was so harsh and sudden, Naomi jumped back a bit. "But demon blood and turtle and Lizard blood doesn't mix!"

Naomi looked at Donnie sadly. Donnie's red eyes glared at Naomi through tears threating to spill. I wanted to intervene, but Donnie looked down then turned to the door.

He set his arm against the frame and his body shook, "I got her back.... Now she's gone again.... He'll have to keep her now..."

"That's not true!" Mikito wailed. "We have to ask him, that's all!"

I looked between everyone, confused on who "he" was. They never answered, not even Naomi who was watching me sadly.

"How?!" Donnie snarled. "The dragons aren't here! And only they and Julie can summon him!"

"We wait," Raph finally piped up.

"He brain cells will be fried by then," Donnie huffed. "I can't afford that."

"Then he'll put get in another body," Mikey muttered. "And we'll be going through the same process as before..."

"Maybe," Splinter offered. Donnie looked like he was about to snap on him but then thought better off it as Splinter continued, "Glitch has noticed Juliet already. He may be on his way now."

"He would be here, Sensei!" Donnie hissed.

I looked around, scared. Everyone grew quiet again. I backed out of the equation and went to the main room. All their shouting had messed with my head. It was confusing enough to be stuck like this with everyone knowing what was going on but I didn't. Now this.

As I was about to get up, a sudden and loud popping sound blasted through the lair. I ground my teeth together and set my hands over my ears. When I looked over, there was a figure standing with a yellow wisp floating about him.

The figure was tall, one of the tallest things I've seen other than a sky scraper or tree. His body was slouched in a way to not hit the ceiling and very, very thin like he were a branch's shadow. When he looked at me, his eyes were a sharp amber color with slitted pupils like a cat. Pointed and clawed fingers curled as the yellow wisp darted about toward Julie's room. And the color of his skin was dark brown with some cracks of lava red in between. It didn't seem as if he had clothes, but it wouldn't change how scary he seemed.

"Glitch!" Mikey cheered. "I thought that was you."

As soon as the orange masked turtle spoke, the thin and narrowed head of the creature jerked toward everyone standing in awe like he was an angel. He wasn't! I swear!

A low and gutteral chuckle emerged from the depths of the creature. The lava from his cracks seemed to spark alive. "Michelangelo," he began. His voice surprisingly smooth from his lanky appearance. "Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello, Mikito, Naomi and Sophia..."

My eyes widened when he said my name. I cowered back a bit and he hissed softly, vampire teeth jutting from his mouth, "Half of Sophia..." he turned back to the others, taking a step forward. His legs were shaped like that of a standing animal with splayed feet of a gecko but with talons on the end. "Mother caught me unawares..."

"She died giving birth..." Naomi mentioned softly. "Is there a chance to save her?"

"Perhaps," Glitch continued. He walked up to the group, talons clacking on the ground leaving black spots where they touched. "They only reason her last body couldn't take the last time because she had died too many times... This one has died once."

"So it is possible?" Donnie asked, following the lava in a clay form toward the room. I was curious, so I got up and followed.

Glitch opened the door with his thin fingers before stepping through. The yellow wisp was already in the room, flitting about near the closet.

"Julie..." Glitch hissed. "You'll marvel at her when you're back. Now come here."

I watched as the wisp did as it was told. The creature snatched up the wisp and whispered a few unknown words before shoving it toward Julie's limp body. Almost immediately, the fur on Julie rose up and she coughed a little.

"Thanks, Glitch," she wheezed out.

Glitch only sighed and took a step back. A pitiful cry from the closet caught his attention and he looked over. "Another sibling... Try to raise this one correctly."

Then another popping sound crashed through the lair and Glitch was gone. A little voice was crying and I decided to inch myself in the room to see the child.

Donnie had cleaned it and wrapped it up in the big towels while he was out of the room. It was a girl. And she had Julie's appearance from what I could see. She had the same fur and scaled arms as her mother. But when she stopped crying for a second to look at me, Donnie's red eyes were a startling contrast. She began crying again.

"Looks like Julie, doesn't she?" Donnie said as he came up beside me.

"From what I can see..." I agreed.

Donnie chuckled. "But she doesn't have a tail like Julie. I checked. But she may have one when older."

I nodded and backed up as Donnie picked up his daughter and took her over to Julie. I smiled and left the room.

Everyone was looking at me and I blinked. I saw the many questions forming in their heads.

"Julie is okay and the baby girl resembles her greatly," I finally said.

A chorus of "aw"s came about, and the others welcomed themselves inside the room. I smiled as I watched them go then noticed there was one not among the ranks. I turned around and saw Leo just gazing toward the room.

He noticed me looking at him and he smiled softly. Then he patted my shoulder and went toward the room, joining in the laughter.

I watched him curiously before walking in and joining them all. Julie was holding the baby with a giant grin on her face, her tail wagging awkwardlyat the end of the bed.

"What're you gonna name her?" Leo asked, his eyes bright.

"Yeah!" Mikey insisted.

Naomi chuckled and flicked her tail. "Something beautiful."

"Something spectacular!" Mikito grinned.

"A Name that's tough," Raph smirked. Everyone looked at him with an look that wasn't amused. He blinked and shrugged, "What? Demons are tough."

Murmurs of agreement arose.

Julie finally giggled, "I have an idea."

Everyone leaned forward. I did too because I was dying to know as well.



So, y'all remember that one character that was basically mentioned in the other books? Glitch?

Did I ever give him form or did you all just imagine what he looked like? I sure draw him soon... Just to get the form in my head and to show you all....

But here's the next chapter. YES I POSTED IT THE SAME DAY because I am.... KIND OF nice. :3

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