Lots and Lots of Towels

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After Leo left me alone in the hallway, I looked around for something to do. Until I heard a sharp cry of pain. I looked around at the sudden cry and then Donnie rushed past me. I decided to follow. The others soon gathered around the door of Julie's room where there were wailing sounds inside.

"Is it happening?" I think Mikito asked. "Already?"

"Is it early?" Leo sounded concerned.

A soft whimper came from Mikito.

Suddenly the door opened up and Donnie was looking at us all with wide eyes that nearly fell out of their mask holes. "I'll be needing help."

"I can," Naomi and I said at the same time. We looked at one another and Naomi frowned a little like she didn't trust me. Her tail flicked before turning back to Donnie, "How do we help?"

"I need wet rags. Sophie, you can get those," Donnie nodded to me. "Then get a glass of water, along with a giant bucket of water."

"Anything else?" I asked before taking off.

He paused, his eyes darting around as he looked at the floor. Another scream pierced the lair and he jumped, his jaws clenched tight, "A large dry towel or something! Quick!"

I nodded and dashed off. I first went to the lab to see if I could find any rags that were clean that Donnie may have strung about. A few seconds later Naomi joined me and nodded at me as she grabbed a few jars of liquids and a few trays of needles and such. I shivered.

"New towels are in the closet between the lab and the kitchen!" Naomi shouted as she left the lab with her arms full. I blinked and nodded even though I knew she had left.

Turning toward the kitchen with the best of my abilities, I went to the hallway and found a small door knob that was sticking out. I opened it and found a plethora of big towels, hand towels, scrubbing towels and a few others. I gaped for a second wondering how they had so many towels. But I shook my head and grabbed a few medium sized ones that would be easy to soak with water along with a couple big ones.

Acting quick, I went to the kitchen and turned the water on in the sink and shoved a few medium towels in the water and waited. After they were soaked, I turned the water off and pressed on the fabrics until the sink frame groaned from the pressure.

When I was finished, I grabbed the towels from the sink and hurried back out toward Julie's room. Leo and the others separated when I came through and Mikito opened the door for me.

I rushed in and paused for a second as the smell of mixed chemicals and blood hit me. I knew the chemicals were to help Julie, but it made me think of a hospital.

Julie laid on her back with a gray sheeton net with her legs bent up like you would see in the movies. Naomi was by the closet, watching Donnie and Julie. Donnie was sitting in front of a computer that was connected to many wires that were also connecting to Julie. On the screen it showed vital signs.

"Another few inches and you'll be good to try again," Donnie said. Julie whined and laid her head back. I've never seen her so defeated...

That's when Naomi came up to me and started leading me toward the door, "Let's give them some space now, okay?"

"Yeah," I gulped, getting a little light headed from the smell still.

Naomi led me out and the others looked at us expectantly. Naomi put up a finger as in give them a minute. As soon as she did, more screaming split the air.

Splinter came up and looked at all of our expressions without saying a word. Instead he stood there, quiet and waiting patiently with the rest of us.

After what seemed like weeks the door opened and all of our gazes snapped up to Donnie. He looked at us and I noticed his jaw was set.

"It's a girl," Donnie finally said.

Leo spoke up, "Is it...?"

Donnie shook his head and the rest of us breathed out in relief. "But Julie is."

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now