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(Leonardo POV)

Naomi said to let Sophie go out on her own. Julie agreed. Raph was voted off to tell Sophie. If course, I didn't life the idea, but agreed reluctantly. Because what if she just went back to the Purple Dragons?

But Donnie proposed to follow her at a distance. I agreed to the idea immediately. I didn't want her getting into trouble. So when Raph went to speak to Sophie, he slipped a tracker on her clothes. How he did it without touching her, I won't ever ask.

As soon as Sophie left the lair, without a weapon as Raph offered her to do, Donnie turned the computer on and we all watched the screen and the dot that was Sophie on the map.

She stayed on main roads. He gait seemed even and confident, like she knew where she was going. At first she seemed to be going nowhere because even though she was near some very popular spots, she kept her main course.

But then she stopped in front of China Town. I felt my heart lurch. Without waiting for anyone to tell me to wait, I turned and left the lab. I snatched up my swords and ran down the tunnels. I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but I wasn't sure.

I moved the manhole cover and jumped up to the surface and looked around before taking off on the roofs toward China Town. I don't care if Sophie liked Hun or not. I want losing her. Not again.

As soon as I arrived in China Town, I hopped on the archway and looked out on the section of New York.

When you're at this angle, you can see the Fortune Cookie Factory from blocks away from the way there's always lights on day and night compared to the other shops. Even though the other shops have lights, the Factory's lights shined brighter. I frowned at the thought that they had Sophie in there. Willingly or not.

Jumping to another roof, I charged to the Fortune Cookie Factory, not caring if I was seen or not. I looked around for a Window when I reached the alley that separated the factory from the building I was standing on. In the darkness, I saw a small Window on the door that seemed to glitter from the street lights.

Of course, I tried the door handle first and found it surprisingly locked. So bring a careless as I could be, I used my elbow and smashed the Window of the door then reached in and down to unlock the door from the inside.

As soon as I stepped in the factory, I thought I heard a muffled scream. But it may have been my imagination because I listened for it again but heard nothing.

Something stepped on the glass behind me and I jumped and twisted around. Mikey and Mikito had followed me. Their eyes reflected worry and I suddenly realized I had gone too far.

I shouldn't have followed Sophie, but I couldn't risk losing her to Hun. He may hurt her. So I ignored the looks from the two Turtles and continued father info the factory, looking around.

Footsteps sounded from a hallway and I turned to see Fong coming up. "This is the backup?" He asked.

"Where are the others?" I snarled, getting my blades ready. "Because I swear if you or they hurt Sophie...."

Fong scoffed, "You'll what? Punish us like we are to Sophie for running off?"

"She didn't run off!" Mikito's voice suddenly piped up. Her and Mikey appeared from around the corner. Fong to a step back as she continued, "We took her to remember!"

Fong paused then looked down the hallway, "Wait...."

I took the chance and lunged forward, slamming my Katana hilt to his abdomen before jumping around him and kicking him to the ground. The hallway loomed in front of me when I finished Fong. I didn't hesitate; I ran down the hallway, kicking open every door I saw.

On a space from kicking doors open, I heard one of the farther ones click to lock. I growled and ran to the end and kicked open one door. I tried tthe next but it didn't budge. Not at first anyway. I slammed the blade of my Katana in the area of the lock between the door and doorframe. I yanked the sword to the side, causing it to bend, but the door flung open.

When it did, it revealed a half naked Sophie tied around Sid. Hun looked up in shock before throwing Shredder's ninja stars at me. I dodged all but one that hit me in my shoulder.

"Let her go!" I snarled, pulling the star out of my muscles. I couldn't feel the pain. "Or I'll cut you all into Dragon scale-sized pieces!"

Sid dropped Sophie on the ground beside her clothes. Tsoi tried to come up from beside me for a surprise attack, but I took my dented blade and jammed it into his thigh. He screamed out. Though I didn't hear.

Sid ran up and raised a giant fist. When he swung down, I dodged to the side, making him hot Tsoi unconscious. He turned to me, but I leaped up and kicked him in the jaw. Teeth scattered. He fell on Tsoi's legs. I thought I heard bones break.

Hun was left and he scowled at me. I tossed the bent Katana to the ground and grabbed the good one. Hun hadn't moved. His sunglasses blocked whatever level of glaring he was shooting at me.

"Let her go now," I hissed at him.

With a frown, Hun backed away from Sophie. I stepped up, still with my Katana in hand and kneeled by Sophie. There was a bruise covering her upper cheek and eye.

Footsteps came in the room and I know Mikey and Mikito came in. Then footsteps ran out. I wouldn't have let him go, but I was busy gathering Sophie's clothes. She only wore her bra and underwear and socks.

Her shoes were tossed to a corner near the door. Mikito was nice enough to go over and pick them up, handing then to me.

I gingerly helped Sophie get dressed. Her limp body made me worried, but she was still breathing. I knew that I would have to take her to Donnie when I was done.

Mikey or Mikito didn't help me get her dressed, but Mikey did offer to carry Sophie since my shoulder was still bleeding. Because of it, some parts of Sophie's clothes were bloodied.

I let Mikey carry Sophie as I began to register the pain in my shoulder. I lagged behind Mikito who was trying to stay beside me. It seemed forever until we cane into the lair.

When we walked in, Mikey went to the lab. Good thing I didn't have to tell him... I decided to follow him and sit down in Julie's spinning chair.

Donnie came in then and came up to Mikey and Sophie who was being laid down on the main table. My brothers talked in hushed voices. I didn't care to listen. I was too preoccupied with the fact I could have killed people tonight.

I looked at my hands, scared of my actions. It was frightening. Now I understood Raph when Slash got ahold of Naomi. You didn't want it to happen and you wanted to prevent it. Thankfully, I did.

Donnie came over to me and touched my shoulder, making me cringe. He scared me a little, but I said nothing. Donnie said nothing either and left again to get the first aid kit.

When he came back, he stitched me up and and wiped most of the blood off before putting a patch on me.

When Donnie walked off, I heard a grumble come from him that sounded like, "Reckless as Raph..."

I sighed and looked up at Sophie Laying on the table. Her bruise was facing away from me. I looked down again after a few seconds and focused to forget my actions of the night.


*hands another update* Be happy

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now