For The Long Road Ahead

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My eyes were closed as a light decided to shine through my eye lids. A splitting headache that wasn't there before was awoken. I groaned and rolled on my side.

"Sophie?" A worked voice asked. It sounded like Mikito. I opened my eyes just enough to see blurry images. The pink-masked Turtle was looking at me worried. "Are you okay?"

I let my eyes open more and saw that Julie and Naomi were right beside Mikito. Behind them, Leo was the first visable turtle. Raph, Donnie and Mikey were sitting out on the sidelines.

I started to sit up but Naomi lunged out and put a hand on my shoulder. "Easy... What do you remember?"

"What do you mean what do I remember?" I looked at her with a blink of my eyes.

"It's a simple question," Leo answered as Naomi opened her mouth to speak. "What do you remember?"

He basically begged the question. Like it hurt and he wanted to know. I blinked, trying to think through all of the pain in my head.

"I don't know..." I admitted.

Leo sighed almost in defeat. Camino flicked her tail and said half to herself, half to everyone else, "She needs to wait for the pain to die down..."

"Headache?" Donnie guessed. Naomi nodded and he instantly started to walk away while saying, "I can give her Tylenol."

"She has to heal on her own time!" Naomi turned on him, he tail whipping close to my face. I scooted away with a grunt of resentment. Donnie stopped and nodded, looking at Julie. The fluff demon only shrugged.

I sighed and closed my eyes again, just wanting them all to be quiet. Dark took over me and I began to doze once more.

The dream that I've had for weeks now morphed into view once more. My ears perked in the thought of actually finishing it.

But when the music died out, I saw the sea green masked Turtle morph into my tabby cat form. I froze as Leo even kneeled down.

"If you would marry me..."

He finished the song and I looked at my mirror self. She smiled and her ears lowered in embarrassment. Before I knew it, she nodded.

More pain laced through my head and the image disappeared from in front of me. I grabbed the sides of my head and yowled out in pain. It felt like my head was being torn in half and I gasped in pain.

"Sophie!" I heard multiple voices mingle together as I tried to get ahold of my thoughts.

What felt like hours were only minutes before my head and thoughts calmed down. I opened my eyes and it was like I woke up from a dream. My fur rose on end and everyone watching me. Splinter had arrived and he was the closest to me at the moment.

"Sophie...!" Leo came up, pushing Splinter out of the way. Everyone gaped at him like he had gone mad.

I looked up at him and started to tear up. He watched me in shock but then seemed to understand. I sat up and he hugged me. I clung onto him like it was the last thing on earth.

"I remember..." I muttered softly. I heard a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad," Leo relaxed.

I opened my eyes to see everyone. Naomi was staring at me like it was the end of the world.

"What?" I asked.

"I never realized how much I caused Leo grief..." she answered me. I was confused and she shook her head. "It was my fault that you and Leo couldn't finish the proposal.."

My eyes widened. Leo stiffened up in my arms and he pulled away. He turned to Naomi and hissed, "If you weren't so selfish to have your sisters with you, none of this would have happened!"

Naomi looked at Leo and frowned, "How was I supposed to know that you were proposing to her at the same moment that I was asking them to be with us? It wasn't entirely my fault either. Your brothers didn't want to watch you and Mikey be all lovey dovey while they weren't sure when they'd see us again."

My ears lowered as I finally began putting the pieces together. Naomi didn't know about the proposal because Leo had been training with Sensei beforehand to lock out his thoughts to Naomi. He must have kept it hidden this entire time. Even when I was a stubborn kitty. She didn't know. Until I remembered...

"Stop it!" I hissed. Leo looked at me abs froze in his breathing in air to shout at Naomi more. Naomi was prepared for whatever Leo wanted to throw at her. "Stop it, both of you. It was nobody's fault except Shredder and his goons. Cause I imagine that's what happened." I looked at Naomi and Julie as I said this. "As for the proposal, I was going to say yes, Leo. And it still is yes." Leo relaxed and his down was replaced with a relieved smile. "We can continue with our lives because it's basically back to normal."

Naomi and Leo looked at one another and nodded. They may have not said sorry, but I know that's what they meant. I started to get up and Mikito came up to help me.

"You shouldn't help me like this. I'm heavy." I chuckled.

Mikito shrugged and smiled, "I've been dealing with a heavy egg. I'm sure I can deal with you."

I smiled as she led me to the living room, "Have you thought of a name?"

"Michaelangelo Jr. for a boy. And then Tabitha for a girl," she answered. She then turned to me and smiled, "Have you thought of your kid names?"

"I was gonna let Leo decide," I answered.

She lead me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. She smiled as she put her hands on her stomach, leaving the room.

I watched her go before Leo took her place in front of then beside me. I relaxed and leaned into him. The TV turned on suddenly, making me jump. I turned to the screen and saw that it was the second How To Train Your Dragon movie.

"My favorite!" A voice called behind me. It made me jump again. As I was going to turn around to see who it was, Topaz curled up beside the couch, watching the screen. I giggled.

Leo wrapped me close as we watched the film. When Stoik meet Valka and began whistling, Leo started the song like we always did when it came on.

When he started singing, I stood up and he took my hand that I offered him. He stood up and we began dancing. Topaz beside the couch was quiet with small churrs that came from her as the song progressed. I came in when it as Valka's part.

The song sped up and Leo and I danced to the music exactly how Stoik and Valka were dancing. When the last line came up, Leo wrapped me close and kissed me gently.

I kissed back before pulling back, smiling. "For you? Always."

Leonardo, You Gave Me Wisdom (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now